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Canada Revenue Agency
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Filing instructions - T4 Web forms

If you are new to T4 Web forms, we suggest that you print this page.

Step 1 - Enter the T4 Web forms secure Web site

Read the Disclaimer and, if you agree, click on I agree at the bottom of the page.

Enter the following information on the T4 Web forms authentication Web page.

  • Your Business Number

    Business Number

  • Your Web Access Code
    Your Web Access Code contains letters, identified with an asterisk (*) that you must enter in the same case as they appear on your personalized T4 Summary. You can find your Web Access Code above your Business Number on your T4 Summary.

    If you misplaced or did not receive your T4 Summary, call our Help Desk at 1-877-322-7849.

    Web Access Code

  • The total number of slips you are filing
    You can file a maximum of three slips using T4 Web.

    Number of slips you are filing

    When you enter the number of slips you are filing, T4 Web forms will display the corresponding number of T4 slips and the Employer information, Transmitter information, and Summary of financial information sections.

    The Transmitter information section will only appear if you select No for the question Are you filing on behalf of yourself?

    Make sure you enter the correct number of slips you are filing. If you do not, you will have to exit the secure T4 Web forms site and re-authenticate, and you will lose any data you have entered.

  • Are you filing on behalf of yourself?

    Are you filing on behalf of yourself?

    If you are an employer or you are filing on behalf of your employer, answer Yes to this question.

    If you are a payroll service bureau, lawyer, or an accountant filing on behalf of your client, answer No. You have to complete the Transmitter information section so that we can contact you if we have questions about the return.

  • What type of return are you filing?

    What type of return are you filing?

    Indicate whether you are you filing an Original or Amended return. If you are filing slips that you have not yet submitted to the CRA, select Original. If you would like to correct or cancel a slip you have already submitted to the CRA, select Amended.
    • For amended slips, enter all data that has not changed and all the new data.
    • For cancelled slips, enter all of the data you had previously reported.

These amended or cancelled slips will replace the original slip on file.

When completing the amended summary, include only the totals from the amended slips.

Enter T4 Web forms
Click on the Enter T4 Web forms link to enter the secure T4 Web forms site. Error messages and correction instructions will be displayed if you have not completed the authentication page correctly.

Enter T4 Web forms

Step 2 - Complete the T4 Web forms information return

Scroll down the T4 Web forms information return to access the following sections:

  • Employer information
  • Transmitter information
  • Slip information
  • Summary of financial information

You have to enter valid data in any field followed by an asterisk (*).

Employer information

This is the first section displayed when you enter T4 Web forms and we recommend that you complete it first.

Detailed instructions

Below is a brief description for each field. See T4 information for details.

Year: Select the calendar year for which you are filing the return.

Business Number: Enter your 15-digit Business Number.

Transmitter number: Enter your transmitter number (which would look like "MM 123456" ) if you have one. Otherwise, leave this area blank.

Employer name: Enter your operating or trading name.

Address: Enter your mailing address, including the province or territory, country, and postal code.

Person to contact regarding this return: Enter the name and telephone number of the person we can contact to ask about information reported on the return.

Language in which you wish to receive communications: Select the official language in which you wish to communicate.

SIN of the proprietor(s) or principal owner(s): Enter the social insurance number (SIN) of each proprietor or principal owner.

Transmitter information

The Transmitter information section will only appear if you answered No to the question Are you filing on behalf of yourself?

Detailed instructions

Below we give a brief description for each field. See T4 information for details.

Transmitter name: Enter the transmitter's name.

Address: Enter your mailing address, including the province or territory, country, and postal code.

Person to contact regarding this return: Enter the name and telephone number of the person we can contact to ask about the transmission of this return.

Slip information

If you entered 1 in the Total number of slips you are filing box, T4 Web forms will display one T4 slip. If you entered 2, two T4 slips will be displayed. If you entered 3, three T4 slips will be displayed.

If you entered the wrong number of slips, you have to exit T4 Web forms and re-enter the correct number of slips.

Detailed instructions

Below we give a brief description for each field. See T4 information for details.

What type of slip is this? (This question appears if you selected "Amended" in the previous page.) Select Amended to correct a slip you have already submitted, or select Cancelled to delete a slip you have already submitted.

Employee's name: Enter the employee's last name, followed by the first name and initial.

Employee's address: Enter the employee's address, including the province, territory, or U.S. state, Canadian postal code or U.S. zip code, and country.

Year: Enter the four digits of the calendar year in which you paid the remuneration to the employee.

Box 10 - Province of employment: Select the employee's province of employment.

Box 12 - Social insurance number: Enter the employee's social insurance number (SIN) as it appears on the employee's SIN card.

Box 14 - Employment income: Report the total income before deductions.

Box 16 - Employee's CPP contributions: Enter the amount you deducted from the employee for contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

Box 17 - Employee's QPP contributions: Enter the amount you deducted from the employee for contributions to the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP).

Box 18 - Employee's EI contributions: Enter the amount of EI premiums you deducted from the employee's earnings.

Box 20 - RPP contributions: Enter the total amount the employee contributed to a registered pension plan (RPP). Leave the box blank if the employee did not contribute to a plan.

Box 22 - Income tax deducted: Enter the total income tax you deducted from the employee's remuneration. This includes the federal, provincial (except Quebec), and territorial taxes that apply. Leave the box blank if you did not deduct tax.

Box 24 - EI insurable earnings: Enter the total amount you used to calculate the employee's EI premiums.

Box 26 - CPP/QPP pensionable earnings: In most cases, you will leave this box blank. However, you may have to complete the box in some situations. See the T4 section of the employer's guide for more information.

Box 28 - Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI and Provincial Parental Insurance Plan): Do not complete the CPP/QPP part of this box if you entered an amount in box 16, 17, or 26. Enter an "X" under CPP/QPP only if the earnings were exempt for the entire period of employment. Do not complete the EI part of this box if you entered an amount in box 18 or 24. Enter an "X" under EI only if the earnings were exempt, or if they were not eligible for the entire reporting period of employment. Do not complete the PPIP part of this box if you entered an amount in box 55 or 56. Enter an "X" under PPIP only if the earnings were exempt for the entire period of employment in the province of Québec.

Box 29 - Employment code: Enter the appropriate code in this box if one the following situations applies. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Do not complete Box 14, Employment income, if you are using employment codes 11, 12, 13, or 17.

  • 11 - Placement agency - self-employed
  • 12 - Driver of taxi or other passenger-carrying vehicle
  • 13 - Barber or hairdresser
  • 14 - Withdrawal from prescribed salary deferral arrangement plan
  • 15 - Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program
  • 16 - Detached employee-social security agreement
  • 17 - Fishers - Self employed

Box 44 - Union dues (completed at employer's option): If you and the union agree that the union will not issue receipts for union dues to employees, enter the amount you deducted from the employee's earnings for union dues. Include amounts you paid to a parity or advisory committee that qualify for a deduction.

Box 46 - Charitable donations (completed at employer's option): Enter the amount you deducted from the employee's earnings for donations to registered charities in Canada.

Box 50 - RPP or DPSP registration number: Enter the seven-digit registration number we issue for a registered pension plan (RPP) or a deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP), or the seven-digit plan identification number we issue for an unregistered foreign pension plan under which you report a pension adjustment (PA).

Box 52 - Pension adjustment: If you have a registered pension plan (RPP) or a deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP), enter only the dollar amount of the employee's pension adjustment (PA) for the year.

Box 55 - Employee's PPIP contributions: Enter the amount of PPIP premiums you deducted from the employee's earnings.

Box 56 - PPIP insurable earnings: Enter the total amount you used to calculate the employee's PPIP premiums.

Other information: These fields have boxes where you enter codes and amounts relating to employment commissions, taxable allowances and benefits, deductible amounts, and other entries, if they apply.

Summary of financial information

The Summary of financial information section will display the total amounts for the financial fields on the T4 slips after you click the Calculate summary button.

Detailed instructions

Below we give a brief description for each field. See T4 information for details.

  • Box 19 - Employer's EI premiums: Enter the total employer's EI premiums.
  • Box 27 - Employer's CPP contributions: Enter the employer's total CPP contributions.
  • Box 82 - Remittances: Enter the employer's total remittances.

No input is required for the following fields, as T4 Web forms will automatically calculate the amounts.

  • Box 14 - Employment income
  • Box 16 - Employee's CPP contributions
  • Box 18 - Employee's EI premiums
  • Box 20 - RPP contributions
  • Box 22 - Income tax deducted
  • Box 52 - Pension adjustment
  • Box 80 - Total deductions reported
  • Difference

Step 3 - Correct errors

After you have completed your T4 information return, click on the Calculate summary button. T4 Web forms will then:

  • validate and accept the data you have input,
  • calculate the Summary of financial information fields, and
  • return you to the Employer information section.

Scroll down and review your information return.

If data is invalid or missing, a red circle red circle will appear beside the fields to be verified or corrected. Underneath the box there will be a linked Error number. Click on the link for a detailed explanation of the error and how you may be able to correct it.

You have to review fields with a yellow triangle yellow triangleto ensure those entries are correct. These entries will not prevent you from filing the return.

Scroll down and correct each error. Once you have corrected all the errors, click on the Calculate summary button.

You will not be allowed to file your information return until you correct all the errors. If no errors are found, click on the Continue button. If you notice an error after you file your electronic return, see Amending returns.

Step 4 - Print your T4 information return

After you click on the Continue button, the first T4 slip will be displayed for printing (two copies of each slip). Print the slip using your browser's print function. Click the Next Slip button to view the second slip. Continue to do this until all the slips are printed. On the last slip, click on Continue to Summary to get to your Summary form. Again, you may print a copy for your records.

When you are ready to file your T4 information return, click FILE NOW.