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Publications - April 25, 1997

Status of House Business

Sunday, April 27, 1997 (No 9)

PART I -- Bills

Government Bills


This section contains all public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the House of Commons. Bills in this section are numbered from C-1 to C-200.

C-1 -- The Prime Minister -- An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office -- (Pro- forma Bill)

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 27, 1996

C-2 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Judges Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 29, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 6, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- March 26, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 2) -- March 28, 1996

C-3 -- The Minister of Labour -- An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (nuclear undertakings) and to make a related amendment to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 1, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development -- March 8, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-2) -- March 22, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 26, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 16, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 12) -- May 29, 1996

C-4 -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to amend the Standards Council of Canada Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 4, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry -- May 27, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-17) -- June 5, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- June 17, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- September 25, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 24) -- October 22, 1996

C-5(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and the Income Tax Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 4, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry -- May 27, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-35) -- October 7, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- October 10, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- October 21, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- October 22, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- October 23, 1996
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- February 13, 1997
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated -- March 20, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-5 -- April 10, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated -- April 11, 1997; adopted -- April 15, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 12) -- April 25, 1997

C-6 -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act to amend the Yukon Quartz Mining Act and the Yukon Placer Mining Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 4, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- June 4, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-33) -- September 25, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- October 11, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- October 11 and 21, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- October 21, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- November 6, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 27) -- November 28, 1996

C-7(R) -- The Minister of Public Works and Government Services -- An Act to establish the Department of Public Works and Government Services and to amend and repeal certain Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Government Operations; deemed reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-57; 1st Session); deemed concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- March 6, 1996 (Previously Bill C-52(R) -- 1st Session)
    Debated at third reading -- March 25 and 26, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- March 26, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- June 12, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 16) -- June 20, 1996

C-8(R) -- The Minister of Health -- An Act respecting the control of certain drugs, their precursors and other substances and to amend certain other Acts and repeal the Narcotic Control Act in consequence thereof

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Health; deemed reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-155; 1st Session); deemed concurred in at report stage and deemed read the third time and passed -- March 6, 1996 (Previously Bill C-7 -- 1st Session)
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- June 19, 1996
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated; adopted -- June 20, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 19) -- June 20, 1996

C-9(R) -- Minister of Justice -- An Act respecting the Law Commission of Canada

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-155; 1st Session) -- March 6, 1996 (Previously Bill C-106(R) -- 1st Session)
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 27, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 14, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 9) -- May 29, 1996

C-10(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to provide borrowing authority for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1996

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- March 18 and 21, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-10 -- March 18, 19 and 21, 1996 -- (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 21, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 3) -- March 28, 1996

C-11(R) -- The Minister of Human Resources Development -- An Act to establish the Department of Human Resources Development and to amend and repeal certain related Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 7, 1996
    Deemed read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development -- March 7, 1996 (Previously Bill C-96(R) -- 1st Session)
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-1) -- March 11, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- March 28, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- April 15, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- April 18 and 19, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- April 23, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 16, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 11) -- May 29, 1996

C-12(R-*) -- The Minister of Human Resources Development -- An Act respecting employment insurance in Canada

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 7, 1996
    Deemed referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development before second reading -- March 7, 1996 (Previously Bill C-111(R-*) -- 1st Session)
    Time allocation at committee stage -- Notice -- April 24, 1996; adopted -- April 25, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-4) -- April 26, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- May 2, 3, 6, 10 and 13, 1996
    Time allocation at report stage and second reading, and at third reading -- Notice -- May 3, 1996; adopted -- May 6, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- May 13, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- May 14, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 23) -- June 20, 1996

C-13(R) -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to provide for the establishment and operation of a program to enable certain persons to receive protection in relation to certain inquiries, investigations or prosecutions

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs; deemed reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-160; 1st Session); deemed concurred in at report stage -- March 8, 1996 (Previously Bill C-78(R) -- 1st session)
    Debated at third reading -- March 28, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- March 29, 1996
    Passed by the Senate (with an amendment) -- May 30, 1996
    Motion in relation to Senate amendment -- Debated; adopted -- June 11, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 15) -- June 20, 1996

C-14(R-*) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to continue the National Transportation Agency as the Canadian Transportation Agency, to consolidate and revise the National Transportation Act, 1987 and the Railway Act and to amend or repeal other Acts as a consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-170; 1st Session) -- March 8, 1996 (Previously Bill C-101(R-*) -- 1st session)
    Debated at report stage -- March 22 and 25, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- March 25, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 26, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 16, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 10) -- May 29, 1996

C-15(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend, enact and repeal certain laws relating to financial institutions

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Finance and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-189; 1st Session) -- March 8, 1996 (Previously Bill C-100(R) -- 1st session)
    Debated at report stage -- March 28, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- April 15, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- April 17, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-15 -- April 19, 1996 -- (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the third time and passed -- April 23, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 2, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 6) -- May 29, 1996

C-16 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Contraventions Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported with an amendment; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 29, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 8, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 7) -- May 29, 1996

C-17 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code and certain other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- June 10, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- June 11, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-50) -- November 8, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- April 8, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-17 -- April 10, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with amendments; debated at third reading -- April 11, 1997
    Read the third time and passed -- April 15, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 18) -- April 25, 1997

C-18(R) -- The Minister of Health -- An Act to establish the Department of Health and to amend and repeal certain Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 8, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Health and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-173; 1st Session) -- March 8, 1996 (Previously Bill C-95(R) -- 1st session)
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- March 28, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- April 19 and 22, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- April 23, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- May 9, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 8) -- May 29, 1996

C-19(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act implement the Agreement on Internal Trade

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 11, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Industry and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-180; 1st Session) -- March 11, 1996 (Previously Bill C-88(R) -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage -- March 27 and 28, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- April 15, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- April 22 and May 13, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- May 14, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- June 12, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 17) -- June 20, 1996

C-20(R-*) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act respecting the commercialization of civil air navigation services

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 14, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- March 25, 1996
    Reported with amendtments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-7) -- May 8, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- May 15 and 17, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with furter amendments and read the second time -- May 27, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- May 29 and June 4, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- June 4, 1996
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- June 19, 1996
    Motion in relation to Senate amendment -- Debated; adopted -- June 20, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 20) -- June 20, 1996

C-21(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1996 (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1995-96)

    Supplementary Estimates (B) 1995-96 -- Concurred in -- March 20, 1996 (See Business of Supply No. 4)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 20, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- March 27, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 4) -- March 28, 1996

C-22(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1997 (Appropriation Act No. 1, 1996-97)

    Interim Supply for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1997 -- Concurred in -- March 20, 1996 (See Business of Supply No. 5)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 20, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- March 27, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 5) -- March 28, 1996

C-23(R) -- The Minister of Natural Resources -- An Act to establish the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 21, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources -- June 12, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-52) -- November 8, 1996
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- February 4, 1997
    Debated at third reading -- February 12 and 18, 1997
    Read the third time and passed -- February 18, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- March 18, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 9) -- March 20, 1997

C-24 -- The Minister of Health -- An Act to amend the Tobacco Products Control Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 22, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health -- June 4, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-69) -- December 11, 1996

C-25(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act respecting regulations and other documents, including the review, registration, publication and parliamentary scrutiny of regulations and other documents, and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 22, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- June 12, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- June 18, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-58) -- November 29, 1996

C-26 -- The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans -- An Act respecting the oceans of Canada

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 17, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans and reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-181; 1st Session) -- April 17, 1996 (Previously Bill C-98 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage -- June 10, 11 and 12, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- June 12, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- October 7, 8 and 10, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- October 21, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- December 4, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 31) -- December 18, 1996

C-27 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation)

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 18, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- June 10, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-63) -- December 5, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- April 7 and 8, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage -- April 8, 1997
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 14, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 22, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 16) -- April 25, 1997

C-28(R) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act respecting certain agreements concerning the redevelopment and operation of Terminals 1 and 2 at Lester B. Pearson International Airport

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 19, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Transport; deemed reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-24; 1st Session); deemed concurred in at report stage and deemed read the third time and passed -- April 19, 1996 (Previously Bill C-22(R) -- 1st Session)
    Rejected by the Senate at third reading -- June 19, 1996

C-29 -- The Minister of the Environment -- An Act to regulate interprovincial trade in and the importation for commercial purposes of certain manganese-based substances

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 22, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development; deemed reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-156; 1st Session); deemed concurred in at report stage with amendments -- April 22, 1996 (Previously Bill C-94 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at third reading -- September 25, 27, October 8, 10, 11, 22 and 28, 1996
    Time allocation at third reading stage -- Notice -- November 19 and 27, 1996; Adopted -- November 27, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- November 29, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- December 2, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- April 9, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 11) -- April 25, 1997

C-30 -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the Public Service Staff Relations Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 22, 1996
    Deemed read the second time; deemed considered by the Standing Committee on Government Operations and reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-83; 1st Session) -- April 22, 1996 (Previously Bill C-58 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage -- June 18, 1996

C-31(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 6, 1996

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 23, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- April 24, 25 and 26, 1996
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- April 24, 1996; adopted -- April 25, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- April 29, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-9) -- May 15, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- May 27, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- June 18, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 18) -- June 20, 1996

C-32 -- The Minister of Canadian Heritage -- An Act to amend the Copyright Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 25, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- June 4, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage -- June 11, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper no. 8510-352-71) -- December 12, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- March 13, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- March 17, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-32 -- March 20, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 20, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 24) -- April 25, 1997

C-33 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 29, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- April 30 and May 1, 1996
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- April 30, 1996; adopted -- May 1, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Rights and the Status of Persons with Disabilities -- May 1, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- May 9, 1996
    Time allocation at committee stage -- Notice -- May 1, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-6) -- May 3, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- May 7 and 8, 1996
    Time allocation at report stage and at third reading -- Notice -- May 7, 1996; adopted -- May 8, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- May 8, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- May 9, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- June 5, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 14) -- June 20, 1996

C-34(R-*) -- The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food -- An Act to establish programs for the marketing of agricultural products, to repeal the Agricultural Products Board Act, the Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act, the Advance Payments for Crops Act and the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 3, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- June 17, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-41) -- October 21, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- October 30 and 31, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage and read the second time -- November 5, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 17, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 20) -- April 25, 1997

C-35 -- The Minister of Labour -- An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (minimum wage)

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 9, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development -- June 12, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper NO. 8510-352-40) -- October 10, 1996
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage -- October 29, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- October 30, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- December 5, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 32) -- December 18, 1996

C-36(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Excise Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act, the Old Age Security Act and the Canada Shipping Act

    Ways and Means Motion No. 4 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-352-4) -- Adopted -- May 15, 1996
    Introduced and read the first time -- May 17, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- May 27, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-19) -- June 12, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- June 17, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- June 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 21) -- June 20, 1996

C-37 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to implement an agreement between Canada and the Russian Federation, a convention between Canada and the Republic of South Africa, an agreement between Canada and the United Republic of Tanzania, an agreement between Canada and the Republic of India and a convention between Canada and Ukraine, for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 17, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- June 17, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-95 ) -- April 11, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-37 -- April 21, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- April 22, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 27) -- April 25, 1997

C-38(R-*) -- The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food -- An Act to provide for mediation between insolvent farmers and their creditors, to amend the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act and to repeal the Farm Debt Review Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 17, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- June 17, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-65) -- December 11, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage and read the second time; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 17, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 21) -- April 25, 1997

C-39 -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act respecting the York Factory First Nation and the settlement of matters arising from an agreement relating to the flooding of land

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 17, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- June 17, 1996
    Reported with an amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-36) -- October 9, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-39 -- April 21, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- April 22, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 28) -- April 25, 1997

C-40 -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act respecting the Nelson House First Nation and the settlement of matters arising from an agreement relating to the flooding of land

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 17, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- June 17, 1996
    Reported with and amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-37) -- October 9, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-40 -- April 21, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- April 22, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 29) -- April 25, 1997

C-41(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and the Canada Shipping Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 30, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- October 1 and 3, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- October 3, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-45) -- October 29, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- November 4, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with a further amendment -- November 5, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- November 6 and 8, 1996
    Read a third time and passed -- November 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- February 13, 1997
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated; adopted -- February 14, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 1) -- February 19, 1997

C-42(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Judges Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 30, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- June 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- November 7, 1996
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated -- November 19, 27 and 28, 1996; adopted -- November 28, 1996
    Time allocation at the consideration of Senate amendments stage -- Notice -- November 27, 1996; adopted -- November 28, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 30) -- November 28, 1996

C-43(R-*) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Railway Safety Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 30, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- June 18, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-60) -- December 3, 1996

C-44(R-*) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act for making the system of Canadian ports competitive, efficient and commercially oriented, providing for the establishing of port authorities and the divesting of certain harbours and ports, for the commercialization of the St. Lawrence Seaway and ferry services and other matters related to maritime trade and transport and amending the pilotage Act and amending and repealing other Acts as a consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 10, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading -- Debated -- September 27, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading -- Adopted -- October 1, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-56) -- November 20, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- April 14, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-44 -- April 14, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- April 15, 1997
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 16, 1997

C-45(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (judicial review of parole ineligibility) and another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 11, 1996
    Royal Recommendation -- Notice given by the Minister of Justice -- June 11, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- June 14 and 17, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- June 18, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-27) -- June 19, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- September 16 and 17, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage -- September 18, 1996
    Debated at third reading -- September 19, 23, 24 and October 2, 1996
    Time allocation at third reading stage -- Notice -- October 1, 1996; adopted -- October 2, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- October 2, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 34) -- December 18, 1996

C-46 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (production of records in sexual offence proceedings)

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 12, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- February 4 and April 7, 1997; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- April 7, 1997
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-94) -- April 11, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 17, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 30) -- April 25, 1997

C-47 -- The Minister of Health -- An Act respecting human reproductive technologies and commercial transactions relating to human reproduction

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- October 23, 31 and November 4, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health -- November 5, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-99) -- April 16, 1997

C-48 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Federal Court Act, the Judges Act and the Tax Court of Canada Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- June 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 22) -- June 20, 1996

C-49(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Infrastructure -- An Act to authorize remedial and disciplinary measures in relation to members of certain administrative tribunals, to reorganize and dissolve certain federal agencies and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- October 21, 22, 29, 31, 1996 and February 3, 1997

C-50 -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act respecting an accord between the Governments of Canada and the Yukon Territory relating to the administration and control of and legislative jurisdiction in respect of oil and gas

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 1996

C-51(R) -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act respecting the water resources of Nunavut

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- October 21, 1996

C-52(R) -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 18, 1996

C-53 -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the Prisons and Reformatories Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 18, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- September 17, 24 and October 1, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs -- October 1, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-49) -- November 6, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- February 4, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- February 18, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 2) -- February 19, 1997

C-54 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 16, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade -- September 20, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-34) -- October 1, 1996
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with amendments -- October 8, 1996
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- October 9, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- November 7, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 30) -- November 28, 1996

C-55(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (high risk offenders), the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Criminal Records Act, the Prisons and Reformatories Act and the Department of the Solicitor General

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 17, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- October 3, 4 and 7, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. -- October 7, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-83) -- March 5, 1997
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- April 15, 1997
    Read the third time and passed -- April 16, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 23, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 17) -- April 25, 1997

C-56 -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1997 (Appropriation Act No. 2, 1996-97)

    Main Estimates 1996-97 -- Concurred in -- September 18, 1996 (See Business of Supply No. 3)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- September 18, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- October 1, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 25) -- October 22, 1996

C-57 -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to amend the Bell Canada Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 19, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry -- October 29, 1996
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-61) -- December 4, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- February 3, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- February 18, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 3) -- February 19, 1997

C-58* -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act (maritime liability)

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 19, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Transport before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- October 8, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-66) -- December 11, 1996

C-59* -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to implement Articles 1 to 22 of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 19, 1996

C-60(R-*) -- The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food -- An Act to establish the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and to repeal and amend other Acts as a consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 19, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food before second reading -- Debated -- October 10, 1996; adopted -- October 21, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-59) -- December 2, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- December 12, 13, 1996, and February 3, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage with a further amendment and read the second time -- February 4, 1997
    Read the third time and passed -- February 12, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- March 6, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 6) -- March 20, 1997

C-61(R) -- The Minister for International Trade -- An Act to implement the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 3, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- October 9 and 10, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade -- October 10, 1996
    Reported with an amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-48) -- November 1, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- November 5, 1996
    Read the third time and passed -- November 6, 1996
    Passed by the Senate -- December 12, 1996
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 33) -- December 18, 1996

C-62(R) -- The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans -- An Act respecting fisheries

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 3, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- November 4, 5 8, 19 and December 6, 1996

C-63(R-*) -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act, the Parliament of Canada Act and the Referendum Act (title changed from: An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act)

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 21, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- October 22, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-55) -- November 19, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- November 22 and 25, 1996
    Time allocation at report stage and second reading, and at third reading -- Notice -- November 22, 1996; adopted -- November 25, 1996
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- November 25, 1996
    Bill amended; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- November 26, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 35) -- December 18, 1996

C-64(R-*) -- The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans -- An Act respecting the inspection of fish and marine plants

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 31, 1996

C-65(R-*) -- The Minister of the Environment -- An Act respecting the protection of wildlife species in Canada from extirpation or extinction

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 31, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- November 29, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-80) -- March 3, 1997
    Debated at report stage -- April 24, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-65 -- April 24, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)

C-66(R-*) -- November 4, 1996 -- The Minister of Labour -- An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (Part I) and the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- November 4, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development before second reading -- Debated -- November 19, 1996; adopted -- November 20, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-64) -- December 10, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- March 3, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-66 -- March 3, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- March 4, 1997
    Debated at third reading -- March 11, 1997
    Time allocation at third reading -- Notice -- March 12, 1997; adopted -- March 17, 1997 (See Government Business No. 15)
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 9, 1997

C-67 -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to amend the Competition Act and another Act in consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- November 7, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- April 25, 1997

C-68 -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1997 (Appropriation Act No. 3, 1996-97)

    Supplementary Estimates (A) 1996-97 -- Concurred in -- November 21, 1996 (See Business of Supply No. 8)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- November 21, 1996
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 29) -- November 28, 1996

C-69 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Income Tax Application Rules, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Children's Special Allowances Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Old Age Security Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act, the Tax Rebate Discounting Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act, the Western Grain Transition Payments Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act

    Ways and Means Motion No. 10 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-352-10) -- Adopted -- December 2, 1996
    Introduced and read the first time -- December 2, 1996

C-70(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act, the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, the Income Tax Act, the Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act and related Acts

    Ways and Means Motion No. 12 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-352-12) -- Adopted -- December 2, 1996
    Introduced and read the first time -- December 2, 1996
    Debated at second reading -- December 3, 4, 5 and 10, 1996
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- December 9, 1996; adopted -- December 10, 1996
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- December 10, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-74 ) -- February 3, 1997
    Debated at report stage -- February 5 and 6, 1997
    Time allocation at report stage and third reading -- Notice -- February 7, 1997; adopted -- February 10, 1997
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- February 10, 1997
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- February 11, 1997
    Passed by the Senate (with an amendment) -- March 13, 1997
    Motion in relation to Senate amendments -- Debated -- March 17 and 20, 1997; adopted -- March 20, 1997
    Time allocation at the consideration of Senate amendments stage -- Notice -- March 18, 1997; adopted -- March 20, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-70 -- March 20, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 10) -- March 20, 1997

C-71 -- The Minister of Health -- An Act to regulate the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco products, to make consequential amendments to another Act and to repeal certain Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 2, 1996
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health -- December 5, 1996
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-68) -- December 11, 1996
    Debated at report stage -- February 21, 1997
    Time allocation at report stage and third reading -- Notice -- March 3, 1997; adopted -- March 4, 1997
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- March 4, 1997
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 6, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 16, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 13) -- April 25, 1997

C-72(R-*) -- The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food -- An Act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 3, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food before second reading -- Debated -- February 18 and 19, 1997; adopted -- February 19, 1997
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-100) -- April 16, 1997
    Debated at report stage -- April 24, 1997

C-73(R) -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act and other Acts as a consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 9, 1996

C-74(R) -- The Minister of the Environment -- An Act respecting pollution prevention and the protection of the environment and human health in order to contribute to sustainable development

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 10, 1996

C-75(R) -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act providing for the ratification and the bringing into effect of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 10, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-75 -- April 21, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- April 22, 1997

C-76(R) -- The Minister of Health -- An Act respecting the safety and effectiveness of materials that come into contact with or are used to treat water destined for human consumption

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 11, 1996

C-77 -- The Minister of Foreign Affairs -- An Act concerning an order under the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 11, 1996
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-77 -- April 17, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- April 17, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 19) -- April 25, 1997

C-78(R) -- The Minister of Canadian Heritage -- An Act to establish the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park and to make a consequential amendment to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 12, 1996 *R-C-79R- -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act to permit certain modifications in the application of the Indian Act to bands that desire them
    Introduced and read the first time -- December 12, 1996
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development before second reading -- Debated -- February 18 and 19, 199; adopted -- February 19, 1997
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-90) -- April 8, 1997

C-80(R) -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act to provide for an integrated system of land and water management in the Mackenzie Valley, to establish certain boards for that purpose and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 12, 1996

C-81(R) -- The Minister for International Trade -- An Act to implement the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement and related agreements

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 12, 1997
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade -- February 14, 1997
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-81) -- March 4, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-81 -- March 20, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 20, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 17, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 14) -- April 25, 1997

C-82 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend certain laws relating to financial institutions

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 14, 1997
    Debated at second reading -- March 17, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-82 -- March 20, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- March 20, 1997
    Report with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-91) -- April 8, 1997
    Debated at report stage -- April 10, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-82 -- April 10, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 15, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 22, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 15) -- April 25, 1997

C-83(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to provide borrowing authority for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1997

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 18, 1997

C-84(R) -- The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration -- An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and the Immigration Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 20, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-84 -- April 16, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported with amendments; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- April 16, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- April 24, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 22) -- April 25, 1997

C-85(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1997

C-86 -- The President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada -- An Act to amend the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 6, 1997

C-87 -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1997 (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1996-97)

    Supplementary Estimates (B) 1996-97 -- Concurred in -- March 12, 1997 (See Business of Supply No. 11)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 12, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- March 13, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 7) -- March 20, 1997

C-88 -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1998 (Appropriation Act No. 1, 1997-98)

    Interim Supply for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1998 -- Concurred in -- March 12, 1997 (See Business of Supply No. 12)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 12, 1997
    Passed by the Senate -- March 13, 1997
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 8) -- March 20, 1997

C-89 -- The Minister of National Revenue -- An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Criminal Code

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 13, 1997

C-90 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act respecting depository bills and notes and making a related amendment to another Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 13, 1997

C-91(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act respecting cooperatives

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 21, 1997

C-92(R-*) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Income Tax Application Rules and another Act related to the Income Tax Act

    Ways and Means Motion No. 19 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-352-23) -- Adopted -- April 8, 1997
    Introduced and read the first time -- April 9, 1997
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Finance before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- April 10, 1997
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-98) -- April 15, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage and read the second time; debated at third reading -- April 18, 1997
    Read the third time and passed -- April 21, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 25) -- April 25, 1997

C-93(R-*) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 18, 1997

    Ways and Means Motion No. 20 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-352-24) -- Adopted -- April 8, 1997
    Introduced and read the first time -- April 9, 1997
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Finance before second reading -- Debated -- April 10, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-93 -- April 10, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Finance before second reading -- Debated -- April 14, 1997; adopted -- April 15, 1997
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-352-102) -- April 16, 1997
    Concurred in at report stage and read the second time -- April 21, 1997
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-93 -- April 21, 1997 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 22, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 26) -- April 25, 1997

C-94(R-*) -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act respecting DNA identification and to make consequential amendments to the Criminal Code and other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 10, 1997

C-95 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal organizations) and to amend other Acts in consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 17, 1997
    Debated at second reading -- April 17 and 18, 1997
    Read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported with amendments; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- April 21, 1997
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 23) -- April 25, 1997

C-96 -- The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans -- An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and the Canada Shipping Act in order to implement the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 17, 1997

C-97(R) -- The Minister of Labour -- An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (Part II) in respect of occupational health and safety and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 17, 1997

C-98 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Canada Evidence Act and the Criminal Code in respect of persons with disabilities, to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act in respect of persons with disabilities and other matters and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 23, 1997


This section contains public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the Senate. Bills in this section have an ``S'' preceding the number of the Bill.

R  Recommended by the Governor General

*  Referred to Committee before second reading