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Site MapContact UsFrançais 2007-12-13 
Welcome to the Parliament of CanadaThe Peace TowerThe Senate ChamberThe Library of ParliamentThe Speaker's chair in the House of CommonsThe Hall of Honour
Main Menu Chamber BusinessCommittee BusinessBillsAbout ParliamentSenators and Members
WebcastVisitor InformationInterparliamentary AffairsVirtual Library

Today in Parliament
December 13, 2007
Chamber Business
House of Commons
Committee Business
House of Commons
Joint Committees
A to Z index
Current Parliamentarians
Hand with index finger pointing and touching computer monitor
Learning About Parliament
Students with raised hands in a classroom
Did you know?
December 10th, 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the granting to Lester B. Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968, of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Educational Programs and Resources
The Parliament of Canada is pleased to offer professional development, classroom activities, and background resources for teachers.
Visiting Parliament Hill
Fireworks streaming down
Deck the Halls: Evening Open House
December 26 to 30 from 4:30pm to 8:30pm
Tours of Parliament
Free Guided tours of the Centre Block are available daily.

Related Links from www.parl.gc.ca

The Governor General represents the Crown in Canada and therefore plays an important role in the parliamentary process. For information about the Governors General of Canada, please visit the Governors General of Canada section or the Governor General Web site www.gg.ca.

For general enquiries about Canadian government services please visit www.canada.gc.ca.

The main responsibility of the office of the Senate Ethics Office is to advise Senators on how to meet their obligations under the Conflict of Interest Code. For additional information, you can visit our website at www.parl.gc.ca/seo-cse.

Please visit the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner’s Web site for details on her mandate, the conflict of interest code for Members of the House of Commons, the Conflict of Interest Act, the public registries and other information.

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