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- Winner of a TV Emmy for Best Documentary

Canadian Lt.-General (ret.) Roméo Dallaire may never fully come to terms with the horrific events that unfolded while he commanded the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, but the emotionally scarred Dallaire is trying. Over 100 nightmarish days in 1994, more than 800,000 men, women and children were brutally murdered, despite the valiant efforts of Dallaire and his small number of peacekeepers.

Shake Hands With The Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire follows the former UN General during his first return trip to Rwanda 10 years after the genocide, a searing emotional journey in which he confronts the memories that persistently haunt him.

In 1993, Dallaire was thrown into a country with only minimal briefing, leading a force that included ill equipped, poorly trained soldiers, some of whom did not want to be there. Unsupported by UN headquarters, Dallaire and his remaining handful of soldiers were incapable of stopping the killing. He condemns top UN officials, Belgian policy-makers, and senior members of the Clinton administration who chose to do nothing as he pleaded each day for reinforcements and revised rules of engagement. The experience led to Dallaire's own life tragedy, more than once attempting suicide, as he dealt with the psychological fallout of witnessing a genocide he believes could have been stopped.

Dallaire shares his remarkable emotional pilgrimage back to Rwanda, not only with the documentary crew, but also with his wife, who for the first time experiences the country that changed her husband so dramatically. The documentary is based in part on the best-selling book Shake Hands With The Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda by Lt.-General Roméo Dallaire, which recently won the Governor General's Literary Award for Non-Fiction. It was principally filmed in early April 2004, during the 10th anniversary of the genocide.

Shake Hands With The Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire is produced and directed by Gemini Award-winning filmmaker Peter Raymont of White Pine Pictures in association with CBC/Radio-Canada.