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DATING CONFIDENTIAL - February 14th 2008, 8PM on CBC-TV
Dating Confidential's a stripped down, no-holds-barred look at the wars being waged in the dating jungle. Just how far will men and women will go to find that elusive perfect match? In this fast-paced journey into our obsession with dating, we’ll meet the winners, the losers, and the profiteers who are now employing a roster of psychologists and scientists whose mission is to unravel the mystery of what makes a ‘perfect match’. There’s a race on to find the key to our hearts, as the business of dating expands to every corner of the globe. From eye gazing parties in Toronto, to an army of matchmakers unleashed in Singapore, dating is big business and high stakes.

BLUE JEAN CONFIDENTIAL - February 28th 2008, 8PM on CBC-TV
Blue jeans are the world's favourite fashion statement – so popular they've become an American icon. Here's a garment that's remained hip for more than half a century, that's thrived from World Wars to the present. Jeans have helped define every youth movement, and every effort of older generations to deny the passing of youth. We trace blue jean culture, from mining days to the ranch, from the beat and hippie generations to the world’s designer labels and celebrity cachet. Is there anyone who doesn’t have a pair?

From the opulent world of Palm Beach diva dogs to training dogs for combat in Iraq. Canine Confidential explores a contemporary coexistence like nothing else in the human-animal world. Today, doggie couture is a multi-billion dollar business, dog dancing is an unlikely but highly competitive craze and in Texas, the only military base in the world trains dogs for the frontlines of war. The modern transformation of our canine friends is breathtaking. But is a dog's life being pushed too far? We go around the world to find out.

WINE CONFIDENTIAL - March 13th 2008, 8PM on CBC-TV
The grape has gone global. Fine wine was once only produced behind the closed doors of European chateaux. The secrets of the chateaux are now out, and being practiced around the world resulting in an industry worth over 200 billion dollars worldwide. Millions are being spent at auctions, and celebrities have now joined the ranks of top winemakers. The drink that was once kept for priests and royalty has gone mainstream. We pop the cork on this widespread phenomenon.

Sneaker Confidentialis a witty and entertaining look inside the heart and sole of the running shoe. We'll discover how sneakers have become the footwear of the day. Through interviews with athletes, designers, scientists and sneakerheads, we'll explore the dominance of the running shoe in popular culture. We'll find out why the shoe was invented . We'll race to the finish line and the assemby line to understand how these high-tech marvels are made and marketed. We'll get a sneak peek into the latest trends on the streets of New York. And we'll put ourselves in superstars' shoes to find out how they get their kicks.

Gardening Confidential takes us on aninternational exploration of one of the most obsessive hobbies in human history, and discovers some surprising modern twists. From robotic lawnmowers to gardens on Mars, from trendy Manhattan rooftops to virtual gardens in cyberspace, this ancient craft has entered the space age and become a multi-billion dollar industry. Meet some of the most single-minded gardeners in the world and discover how gardening can get you in trouble with the law.

A pet parrot gets ready for his Christmas photo in Miami.


According to CHRISTMAS CONFIDENTIAL, no event in history has ever marshalled so many people and so much effort to celebrate just one day. Viewers will meet unabashed Christmas enthusiasts—a Brooklyn judge with a house so decorated that it's a tourist attraction, Santa hopefuls competing in the Father Christmas games in Sweden, and pet photographers who can Christmas-ize almost any animal. Chef and author Nigella Lawson weighs in with 'Confessions of a Culinary Queen', offering Christmas recipe secrets and tips to survive the holidays. more »

supermarket shelf Diet books and the food products they endorse are popular items on supermarket shelfs.


What's the recipe for the successful modern diet? Take a piece of expensive real estate for the title (South Beach, Sonoma, Beverly Hills), add a pinch of celebrity endorsement, stir in a media-friendly diet guru and the diet is set to be a hit, spawning book and food company spin-offs. DIET CONFIDENTIAL explores today's world of serial dieting. more »

The average North American women buys six new pairs of shoes a year.


Just how far will a woman go for the perfect pair of shoes? Shoes speak volumes about the wearer and have been symbols of sex, status and style throughout history. With the average North American woman owning at least 30 pairs, HIGH HEEL CONFIDENTIAL takes a revealing look at the world of high heels. more »


Sytlists compete at Hair Wars in Detriot, U.S.

A witty, fast-paced look at our obsession with hair, HAIRSTYLE CONFIDENTIAL untangles the myths and mystique surrounding hair in popular culture. British fashion expert Caroline Cox provides the context behind the coiffeur. The documentary features interviews with the original stylist guru Vidal Sassoon and spends a day with Hollywood's hottest hairdresser, Ken Pavés (Jessica Simpson's stylist and best friend). more »

Valentines Day is the most popular day of the year for buying chocolate.


It's the most popular flavour in the world and as CHOCOLATE CONFIDENTIAL reveals, the lengths to which some people will go to pursue their passion for chocolate are amazing. Some would say that chocolate rivals sex as a universal obsession. You can drink it, eat it, it's good for your heart and can even be a beauty tool—chocolate is a billion dollar industry. more »

For the CONFIDENTIAL series, Sue Dando is executive producer and Mark Starowicz is the executive director of documentaries for CBC.

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