CBC News: The Lens CBC News: The Lens
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CBC NEWS: THE LENS features innovative, compelling documentaries made exclusively by independent Canadian filmmakers. These up-close and personal documentaries feature dramatic stories with new perspectives; films that provoke, inform and entertain through fresh insights into contemporary Canadian society. A 52-week schedule of new commissions, acquisitions and featured repeats airs Tuesday and Saturday at 10pmET/10pmPT.

We welcome original approaches to stories that provide access to unique situations and we're open to a broad range of storytelling techniques, including the use of humour. Each 42-minute documentary must contain significant elements of disclosure, explore themes of interest to all Canadians, and should be made with solid production values. Experienced individuals in the team benefit both the production and help protect traditional CBC editorial and journalistic excellence.

Our exclusive 4 year license provisions are compatible with the requirements of the Canadian Television Fund License Fee Program and Equity Investment Program. The role of the CTF is important and we expect producers to make application to the Fund's programs as well as available federal and provincial tax credits. We also welcome funding from agencies such as the National Film Board, provincial agencies, private sector broadcasters, provincial educational networks and other specialty channels as well as participation from regional CBC stations and the CBC TransCanada Fund.

We're open to second windows with other broadcasters, but will insist on a substantial exclusive first window for CBC Newsworld. We will also provide second window opportunities for appropriate Canadian documentaries produced by independents. Licenses for acquisitions will be in line with other Canadian specialty channel licenses.

To enhance the strength of the films we commission we may invest between 3 and 5 thousand dollars in development. Each documentary must be based on thorough and documented research and a realistic budget, financing and production plan. The first step to a development commitment is the presentation of a concise summary of the project, a schedule, budget and financing scenario for the development phase, and identification of the key creative participants.

When the development process is complete, we expect to receive a full treatment, production budget, production schedule, financing scenario, confirmation of key creative participants and a diversity plan. The full proposal will then be assessed as a potential commission.

Send submissions to:
Andrew Johnson