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Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Post-Secondary Education

Canada Student Loans and Grants
The Canada Student Loans Program provides loans and grants for post-secondary education to Canadians with a demonstrated financial need.

Programs of Study Search
Get detailed profiles, requirements, and application and admissions information for programs of study at Canadian universities, Canadian community colleges and cégeps.

School Search (Universities, Colleges, and Cégeps)
Browse detailed information about Canadian universities, Canadian community colleges and cégeps, and find the school that matches your needs.

The Canadian Virtual University is a group of Canada's leading universities in distance and online learning that offer accredited courses and degree programs.

Information about International Student Exchanges and Academic Mobility for both Canadians thinking of studying abroad and foreign or commonwealth students who would like to study in Canada.

Canada Student Loans Program - Certification Unit - This section allows those working in the area of private institution certification to access resources critical to their work.