Worth Repeating: Newsworld Interactive Quiz

From Newsworld Online, May 1997
It's one month before the June 2, 1997 federal election. Who was ahead in the polls when the election was called? Which leader doesn't have a seat in the House of Commons? Where will the polls close last? We've reassembled the original quiz, so you can test your memory. 

1. Which leader said: "I think who can get jobs and tax relief fastest and best for the biggest bang, that ought to be a defining issue"?
Jean Charest
Preston Manning
Alexa McDonough
2. An Angus Reid Poll released the day before Chretien called the election had his Liberals ahead at 42 points. Which party came in second on that poll?
Bloc Quebecois
3. In which area will the polls close last in Canada on June 2:
British Columbia
4. Which federal leader does not hold a seat in the House of Commons.
Jean Charest
Alexa McDonough
Gilles Duceppe
5. The Tories have called their platform:
Let the Future Begin
The Blue Book
The P.A
6. Reform's platform goes by the title:
Two Visions of Canada
The New Vision
A Fresh Start
7. The NDP's platform is:
Strengthening the Canadian Community
A Framework for Canada's Future
Working for Workers
8. Which Premier criticized Jean Chretien and Jean Charest for supporting distinct society status for Quebec?
Lucien Bouchard
Mike Harris
Ralph Klein
9. Results of a CBC poll indicated that Canadians trust which of these candidates the most:
Jean Chretien
Preston Manning
Jean Charest
10. Liberal M.P. Dan McTeague came under scrutiny for:
racial comments
false credentials
putting up campaign signs too early