CBC.ca New Brunswick

Christmas Tree Tips:
How to keep your real tree fresh.

Eco-friendly gifts:
Alternative presents.

Job Cuts:
An employment boom, but some sectors going bust.

Immigration and language:
Mapping the sound and look of Canada.

How a Taser works:
The anatomy of the X26.

School statistics

The latest figures on publicly funded education.

Canada's casualties:
Military deaths in Afghanistan.

Cops in Canada:
Number of police up, crime rate down: report

A 21st century epidemic.

CBC Archives:
The Voice of Hockey: Foster Hewitt

VLT's terminal danger:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Associate professor at University of P.E.I., Peter McKenna, says New Brunswick's new policy on gambling is a bad bet.
(runs 11:29 l RealAudio)

Child Care:
Our next big issue?

Health spending:
The cost just keeps going up.

Era message:
Buck 65's spooky new album explores the year 1957.

Employment Picture:
Where the jobs are in Canada.

Buying a Home:
How much is that house, really?

Canadian Charity:
How does New Brunswick compare?

Home Fire Safety:
Tips to prevent future disaster.

Media ownership:
Who owns what in the Canadian media.

Fewer skilled trades workers in Canada than 1990s.

Nursing homes:
Residential care facilities by province.

Rare search order used to seize documents:Click to listen to RealAudio file
CBC's Robert Jones reports on the latest developlment in a court battle between Irving-owned Brunswick News and one of its former publishers.
(runs 7:36 l RealAudio)

Giving green:
Buying shares in forested areas. (runs 2:32 l Windows Media)

Routine self breast exams no longer recommended:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Dr. Eschwar Kumar, the head of Oncology at the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation in Saint John, talks about The Canadian Cancer Society reommendation.
(runs 6:02 RealAudio)

Report calls for overhaul of privacy and access-to -information laws:Click to listen to RealAudio file
The CBC's Paul Castle speaks with the provincial Ombudsman Bernard Richard about the recommendations.
(runs 9:47 RealAudio)

The future of UNBSJ:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Jim Turk the executive director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers rejects the proposal to turn the university into a polytechnic school.
(runs 6:29 RealAudio)

The hidden addiction:Click to listen to RealAudio file
UNB researcher Barbara Paterson speaks to Information Morning about how to improve support for people addicted to prescription pain killers. (runs 7:48 RealAudio)

Justice on the net:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Is a Rothesay homeowner committing a crime by posting photos of vehicles speeding past his driveway on the Internet? The CBC's Paul Castle speaks with privacy lawyer David Fraser. (runs 6:02 RealAudio)

CBC Radio 3:
Buck 65 Interview UNCUT.

Follow the adventures of Bobblehead Paul.

Aboriginal Canadians:
A timeline of residential schools.

The report on post secondary education:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Rick Miner, one of the authors of the report, tells us why he thinks UNBSJ should be turned into a polytechnic institute. (runs 9:27 RealAudio)

Agent Orange victims at will receive $20,000 each:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Greg Thompson, minister of Veteran's Affairs, explains who is eligible to receive the money. (runs 7:10 RealAudio)

Kayak rescue:Click to listen to RealAudio file
The story of Jaqueline Mahoney swimming a half mile for help after a boating accident on Shediac Bay.
(runs 12:47)

Mapping Canada's new family relationships.

Access to justice:
Tips for navigating the legal system affordably.

Age and jobs

Where Canada's older workers stay in the work force.

Your Town New Brunswick:
Bring CBC TV NEWS to your home town! Click here to find out how.

East Coast World Music Summit:
Listen to the live-to-air special for CBC Radio which brought together 13 musicians from very diverse backgrounds.

Going green:
Reusing water

Don't throw out the bath water.

Interactive: History of health expenditures
Find out how New Brunswick compares to the other provinces.

Family Life:
Charting a decade of family incomes.

Gagetown soldier didn't think of death often:Click to listen to RealAudio file
Cpl. Christopher Paul Stannix, killed in Afghanistan on Easter

Sunday, took part in a panel on the risks of his upcoming mission to Afghanistan with Terry Seguin of Information Morning Fredericton in November 2006. (runs 7:22)

Tidal power:
Once more into the Bay of Fundy

Taser Deaths:
Tasers are meant to be used by police to stun suspects, but how often do they kill? (runs 20:00 Windows Media)

Video feature:
Should the RCMP on New Brunswick highways be bilingual? (runs 2:13 Windows Media)

Driven to create:
Catching up with Maritime art sensation Jack Bishop.

CBC News at Six feature

Banking on baby:
Who should pay to help infertile couples conceive? CBC's Kate Letterick reports from Moncton. (runs 5:33)

Past features
All in your head
CBC investigates mental illnesses and the social stigmas still attached to them.
Organic Agriculture
CBC News at Six explores the knowns and unknowns of New Brunswick's organic agriculture in a special four part series.
Harbour Lights
The Harbour Light Campaign raises money each year for food banks in Southern New Brunswick, from St. Stephen to Saint John to Sussex.
The Price of Admission
A CBC New Brunswick series on Saint John immigration consultant Pierre Rouleau.
Beaverbrook art dispute.
In depth: Lord Beaverbrook
New Brunswick budget 2007
Coverage and details from the 2007 provincial budget.
Atlantic Canada's role.
2006 Year in Review Maritimes quiz
Test yourself on N.S. N.B. and P.E.I. news.
Your View: Hockey patriotism
Should player have been fired for not signing a Canadian flag for the troops?
Your View: Feb. 16, 2006
NB Power seeks to hike power rates.
Bernard Lord
The outgoing PC leader says his political career is on hold.
Your View: What is the legacy Lord leaves behind?
Canada's war brides
Love and war overseas.
Alberta Bound: Turning back the tide
CBC News explores the social and economic impact of migration from the Maritimes to Alberta.
Children and ATVs:
Read your comments about the Liberal goverment's plan to ban youths 16 and under from off-road vehicles.
Adieu L'Acadie… Hello Alberta
A five part series about the large number of Acadians who are working in Alberta.
New Brunswick Votes 2006
Get all the results, as well as indepth election features.
Health Blooms
Thank you everyone who donated to help us raise money to buy a permanent MRI for the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital.
India calling
How India is bypassing New Brunswick as the outsourcing capital of the world. A special series by CBC reporter Jacques Poitras.
Seals on Pictou IslandClick arrow to view page in a new window
A lack of ice has forced thousands of grey seals to birth their pups on islands in the Northumberland Strait.
Finding Faith
Searching for meaning in 2005.
Flood 2005Click arrow to view page in a new window
View our photogallery of the flood.
In Good Hands
On the heels of a critical report by New Brunswick’s auditor general, CBC News finds several flaws with the inspection process used for the province's nursing homes.
New Brunswick budget 2005
Coverage and details from the 2005 provincial budget.
It won't happen to me
CBC News Brunswick looks at HIV and AIDS among youth.
More indepth features
National Indepth Feature IndexClick arrow to view page