CBC News

Jelena Adzic

With the announcement of this year's Academy Award nominees, Oscar buzz has officially begun. Canadians feature prominently among the 2008 contenders, as do a host of independent films.

Who deserved their nods and who was left out? What films are worth a look, and when awards show hype becomes too much, what screen gems should you check out?

On Wednesday, January 23, CBC TV's film critic and host CBC Newsworld's the Weekend Scene Jelena Adzic took your questions on the big films of 2008. Read her responses below.

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Jelena Adzic

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Mike Milton

Where did the name "Oscar" come from?

Jelena Adzic: Like all good nicknames, the origin is debatable. The name Oscar became officially used in 1939, and the popular theory is that an Academy executive once said the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar. A new theory could give credit to Oscar the Grouch, given the show may be canned.

Posted January 22, 2008 09:54 PM

Jeff Green

In your opinion, what was the biggest snub of the year?

Jelena Adzic: Radiohead’s Johnny Greenwood was robbed in the best original score and best original song categories. The Academy gave an official line about some of the music pre-existing (ie. not made 100% specifically for the film).

I say, if a musician has a tune rusting away in an attic, and then pulls it out for a particular film — and it makes that film pulsate in the way There Will Be Blood does — then kudos should go to the artist nonetheless.

Also, an Honourable Snub goes to the movie, Caramel, which was shut out of the Best Foreign Film category. It’s about five women in a Lebanon beauty salon, and the revelations on gender issues are as painful and pleasing as freshly waxed skin. Feel it if you get the chance.

Posted January 23, 2008 02:38 PM

Karen Smith


What films should I see before the actual awards?

Jelena Adzic: At the risk of being pelted with orange tic-tacs, I’d say you could wait to see Juno. I know, I know, it sounds like heresy considering the Canadian coup — but it doesn’t deserve to be on the best picture list (I’ll duck now). There Will Be Blood is an obvious must-see, along with Eastern Promises and Away From Her. Also, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is sublime.

Posted January 23, 2008 03:19 PM



How can I see the Canadian animated short films? The media always buzzes about the Canadian short films (that have won many awards), but they never seem available to view.

Jelena Adzic: Excellent question! It can be so frustrating. At least this year, YouTube seems to be helping out. Either search for the titles there, or you can check out this animation blog:

Posted January 23, 2008 03:31 PM



The WGA strike came at a time when many companies are normally pushing their Oscar contenders through popular media.

Did the writer's strike have any impact on...
Which movies were given nominations?
How the movie industry promoted their films for the Oscars?
Who will most likely win?

Jelena Adzic: We’ll never fully know the impact, because so many Hollywood snubs, grudges and political manoeuvring plays out like a silent film.

Posted January 23, 2008 03:42 PM



Has there ever been an Oscar tie?

Jelena Adzic: No, though I’m almost positive there was an official Oscar cummerbund in the 80’s (joking).

Have the Oscars ever been canceled?

Jelena Adzic: In 80 years of history, they’ve been postponed three times: due to a flood; the assasination of Martin Luther King; and the attempted assasination of Ronald Regan. But they’ve never been canceled.

Posted January 23, 2008 04:39 PM



Actually, there have been a number of Oscar ties. The most famous was in 1968 when Katherine Hepburn and Barbra Striesand tied for Best Actress (The Lion in Winter and Funny Girl). There have also been ties in the documentary and short film categories. In 1931/32 Frederic March and Wallace Beery both won for Best Actor (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Champ), though it was not a true tie. March won by one vote but at the time the result was close enough for both to win. The rule was subsequently changed.

Posted January 24, 2008 04:06 AM



Thanks for the tip on YouTube! I'll be much better suited to win the Oscar pool this year.
And i agree, orange tic-tacs aside...Juno does not deserve a best pic nod.

Posted January 24, 2008 03:43 PM

Roe Sivanandan


Hey You,

Why do you feel that Juno does not deserve to be nominated for Best Picture? Saw it...loved it - loved the Soundtrack. Anyway, why-oh-why????? or why? :-)

Think it should be though. First movie that I ever really wanted to own on DVD - I mean REALLY.

By the way, love your witty responses...you rock.

Posted January 24, 2008 04:46 PM



In regards to the question about an Oscar tie, wasn't there a year where Katherine Hepburn and Barbara Streisand ended up in a tie for the Best Actress Oscar?

That being said, I did like the cumberbund joke.

Posted January 24, 2008 05:07 PM

M.T. Smith



I was surprised to see that you mentioned Jonny Greenwood being snubbed. I could`t agree with you any more. The soundtrack is simply stunning. The fact it got snubbed probably won`t have any effect on Mr. Greenwood, but it still deserves an Oscar.

Posted January 25, 2008 04:58 AM

Norma Lovett

I'm glad you didn't give any nod to Atonement when mentioning the movies to be seen before the actual awards. I thought it the most contrived movie yet. There Will Be Blood is definitely the must see movie and yes Radiohead's Johnny Greenwood was robbed.

Posted January 25, 2008 06:56 PM



Absolutely agree with you on the Johnny Greenwood snub!! I have never been so moved by a musical score before - It added a completely different dimension to the film.
And totally agree with your take on Juno. Thank goodness someone has the guts to say it!!!

Posted January 29, 2008 12:05 PM

Jelena Adzic


I've really enjoyed your comments (even you, Mr. Juno backer Sivanandan...you've made me realize it's much easier to say why a film deserves an Oscar as opposed to why it doesn't). Thanks go to the readers who accurately point out there were indeed Oscar ties ~ I should have specified I was referring to the best picture category when I wrote 'no'. Happy viewing before the big show! Jelena Adzic

Posted January 29, 2008 06:54 PM

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