Healthy Living Programs

ActionSchools! BC
Action Schools! BC is a best practices model designed to assist schools in creating individualized action plans to promote healthy living. The program contributes to the health of children by integrating physical activity and healthy eating messages into the fabric of the school community, with the goal of providing children with a foundation for life-long healthy living.

Active Communities Initiative
This initiative will mobilize and support local governments and partner organizations in promoting healthy lifestyles, increasing physical activity levels amoungst British Columbians and developing supportive community environments.

A free nutrition information line for British Columbians.
Greater Vancouver: 604-732-9191
Toll-free in B.C.: 1-800-667-3438

Making it Happen: Healthy Eating at School
Information and resources for all audiences to help foster a school environment that supports good nutritional habits.
An Internet-based quit smoking service available free-of-charge to all British Columbians.™ is available anytime and creates a personal program for the smoker, depending upon where that person is in their quit attempt.

Quitnow by phone: 1-877-455-2233
A confidential tobacco cessation helpline available free-of-charge to residents of British Columbia. The service is open 7 days a week 24 hours a day so that callers can seek help when they need it most.

School Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program
A pilot program promoting healthy eating and increasing access to healthier school snacks. The program will provide one serving of B.C. grown fruits or vegetables twice a week to children at elementary schools around the province.

Tobacco Free Sports
A provincially funded project designed to further educate individuals and communities of the negative effects of tobacco use and its direct link to a decrease in sport performance.

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