Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Mental Health and Addictions
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Mental Health & Addictions

Working with the Client who is Suicidal: A Tool for Adult Mental Health and Addiction Services
and Related Documents
Family Physician Guide: For Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Early Psychosis
and Substance Use Disorders
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Core Information Document (March 2007) (PDF 990Kb) new  
Planning Guidelines for Mental Health and Addiction Services for Children, Youth and Adults with Developmental Disability (PDF 2MB)  
Best Practices in Mental Health & Addictions  
Programs and Services 
Mental Health Act  
Getting Help 
Provincial Anxiety Disorders Strategy 
Provincial Depression Strategy (PDF 2MB) 
Mental Health Literacy   
 °BC Partners for Mental Health
& Addictions
Children and Youth 
 °Child & Youth Mental Health Plan 
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) 
Minister's Advisory
Council on Mental
Information Management 

Other Links
Health Authorities 
BC HealthGuide 
Problematic Substance Use Prevention 
Chronic Disease Management 
Assisted Living Registry 
Anxiety Disorders Association of BC 
Association for Awareness and Networking around Disordered Eating (ANAD) 
BC Schizophrenia Society 
Canadian Mental Health Association
 - BC Division
Centre for Addictions Research of BC 
Kaiser Foundation 
Mental Health Evaluation and Community Consultation Unit (Mheccu) 
Mood Disorders Association of BC 
Health and Human Services Library 
Ministry of Health  
Health Canada 
Mental Health English  
Mental Health French  
Canada's Drug Strategy 

Mental Health and Addictions

Welcome to the Ministry of Health's website for mental health and addictions.

The Province of British Columbia envisions a comprehensive, integrated, evidence-based system of mental health and addictions services. These services focus on health promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery, and support individuals' and families' resiliency and self-care. BC has developed various strategies and initiatives to improve health outcomes for individuals with mental disorders and/or substance use disorders, their families and the communities in which they live. Provincial strategies and initiatives for depression, anxiety disorders, mental health literacy, and addictions can be located on this site.

The Mental Health and Addictions Branch has the following responsibilities:

  • Providing leadership in provincial policy development and long-term planning for mental health and addictions services;
  • Providing leadership in developing best practices for mental health and addictions services to meet diverse needs; and,
  • Developing partnerships between government, health authorities, service providers and community organizations.

The province-wide delivery of addictions and mental health services is provided through BC's Health Authorities. The recent alignment of addictions services with mental health services offers new opportunities for improving access and responsiveness.

Thank you for visiting our website. Please use the feedback form to provide us with your thoughts and comments on this website, or on mental health and addictions services in general.

This website also provides links to mental health and addictions resources.


Last Revised: 21 December 2007

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