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Legislative committees are appointed by the Nova Scotia House of Assembly and are comprised of Members of the Legislative Assembly.  The committee system allows for detailed examination of matters in a manner which would not be possible in the larger House and also allows members of the public to have direct input into the parliamentary process by making submissions and attending public hearings.  To the left is a list of Standing and Select Committees of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly with links to the mandate and membership of each committee, schedule of committee meetings, the transcripts (Hansard) and publications.

The Legislative Committees Office, under the direction of the Speaker is responsible for providing administrative support for the majority of the Standing Committees, Select Committees and Commissions of the Legislature.  This office compiles the interim and annual reports of these committees.

SEARCH Hansard transcripts of Committees  
(dates of coverage vary by committee):

Search Tip: Committee Search now uses the Google search engine.  Enclose your search in quotations to execute a phrase search.



Darlene Henry
Kim Leadley
Sherri Mitchell
Charlene Rice
3rd Floor, Dennis Building
1740 Granville Street
PO Box 2630 Stn "M"
Halifax, NS B3J 3N5
Phone: (902) 424-4432
Fax: (902) 424-0513
E-mail: legcomm@gov.ns.ca


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Comments/questions to: leglib@gov.ns.ca