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System requirements

Using our site

Our site is designed to comply with Web accessibility standards. Although it can, as a rule, be accessed by all recent browsers, presentation may vary.

To use all the features in this site:

  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • you must accept session cookies
  • you must have software such as Adobe Reader that enables you to read PDF files

Using our electronic services

Our electronic services can be accessed if you use Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and beyond, Internet Explorer® 5.5 or later or Netscape™ 6.2 or later. Please note that our computer systems do not support certain electronic services for Macintosh. Check the conditions for use of the service you wish to use to find out whether our computer systems support the service for that environnement.

To use our electronic services:

  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • you must accept session cookies
  • you must have Adobe Reader 6.1 and beyond

If you use a spam filter, make sure it won't block emails from courrier7as@services.mrq.gouv.qc.ca.

Using our downloadable applications

Check the configuration required for each of the following applications:

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