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Welcome Leaders to the 4-H Team


Welcome! It's good to have you with us! Your commitment of energy and enthusiasm is very much appreciated, as volunteer 4-H leaders are truly vital to the well-being of the 4-H program.

We want you to feel comfortable in your new role of a 4-H leader. So, we want to share with you the basic construction of the 4-H program.

Laying The Foundation (The Basics of 4-H Leadership)

Do I Have What It Takes To Be A 4-H Leader?

Do you have:

An enthusiasm for working with young people and adults alike?
An interest and some skills in project/leadership area?
An eagerness to learn new skills?
A willingness to find and/or use resources?

If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, you have the "right stuff" for being a 4-H leader!

What Does a 4-H Leader Do?

If you want to be a project leader, you are responsible for:

Providing project information to the members;
Teaching the project skills to the members;
Helping the members "learn to do by doing";
Encouraging members to take part in 4-H activities (e.g., communications program, camps and conferences, club events).

If you want to be a General leader, you are responsible for:

Overseeing the general operations of the club;
Communicating information to 4-H staff and 4-H members, leaders and families;
Offering support and encouragement to 4-H leaders and members.

What is Involved in a Typical 4-H Year?

Every club and district has its unique personality, so ask your general leader for a calendar of events for the upcoming year in your club. However, a typical 4-H club year would be:

JANUARY - Clubs register, 4-H year begins
FEBRUARY - Workshops
MARCH/ APRIL - Club and County Rallies
MAY - N.S. 4-H Weekend
JUNE - Achievement Days Begin
JULY/ AUGUST - Camp Rankin/ 4-H Days/ Exhibitions
SEPTEMBER - N.S. Provincial 4-H Show
OCTOBER - Reorganization Meetings
NOVEMBER - N.S. 4-H Leaders Council Annual Meeting
DECEMBER - Christmas Activities

Clubs usually hold business meetings monthly. 4-H leaders are welcome to attend these meetings to keep up-to-date on club happenings. Contact your club's general leader for details.

Building the Framework (All About 4-H Project Leadership)

What Materials Are Available To Assist 4-H Leaders?

There are a variety of written materials available for each 4-H project. As a 4-H leader, you should have a copy of all your 4-H projects' materials. This may include a member newsletter, a member project record sheet, the leader's manual and/or resource materials.

Each 4-H General Leader will receive a copy of the General Leader Kit. The resources listed in the kit include applications for scholarships, camp, etc.; important dates and an audio visual guide for project, leadership and general topic areas.

The Project Skills Are Taught At Project Meetings. How Do I Run a Project Meeting?

4-H is proud of their motto: "Learn to do by doing." Project meetings should be a "learn to do by doing" adventure for 4-H members, as they learn the skills necessary for successful completion of their 4-H project. Your meetings will vary according to the project taken, the age of members and the size of the project group. A general guideline for your meeting might include:

1. Members' Progress Report - This is an opportunity to check on the work each member has done since the last meeting.

2. Review of Last Meeting - A quick review will let you know if the members understand and give them a refresher.

3. Activity Period - Most of the meeting should focus on teaching new skills and information. This is the time you could work on actual project articles, take a tour, do project-related games or bring record sheets up-to- date.

4. Assignments and Announcements This is a good time for reminders of dates and supplies for the next meeting. Members can be responsible for completing some project work at home between meetings.

How Often Are Project Meetings Held?

Each project varies with time required to achieve a completed project. In determining how often your project group needs to meet, consider:

An estimate of the total time necessary to complete project requirements;
The time frame between reorganization and achievement;
Other 4-H club responsibilities or activities in which the member(s) may be involved.

These considerations will suggest the number of meetings required and you can space them evenly within the club's year. On average, project groups would meet biweekly.

What Is Achievement Day? What Do I Have To Do To Prepare For It?

Achievement Day is an annual celebration and showcase of your 4-H club's work. It is an opportunity:

To give recognition to members and leaders for work accomplished;
To evaluate members' projects;
To display accomplishments to the community.

What is your responsibility for Achievement Day?

Your primary responsibility is to offer encouragement and assistance to project members for completion of their 4-H project. You may also be asked to be responsible for a specific portion of the Achievement Day program.

Each 4-H project has specific completion requirements. These are listed near the front of the project book. Your role is to inform the members of these requirements and to offer assistance and supervision to each project member in achieving these requirements. Members display their completed project activities and books at Achievement for evaluation.

As I Hear More About the 4-H Program and Read the 4-H Project Material, There seems to be a wide variety of tasks in a 4-H year. Do I have to do everything myself?

No. Don't take the work load all on yourself. Recruit assistance. Tasks may be distributed among a variety of people.

4-H members develop new skills and gain leadership abilities through completion of tasks. 4-H parents increase their knowledge of and involvement in their son or daughter's 4-H club through requests of assistance. Community members have many skills. 4-H can gain a lot by asking individuals or groups to share this knowledge. Be inventive and get others involved!

Am I responsible for the costs of the members project supplies?

No, that is the member and his or her parents' responsibility. You can make arrangements suitable to your project group's needs. As the 4-H leader, you may want to purchase the project supplies and divide the bill among the project members; or, you may request each member be responsible for purchasing and bringing the necessary project supplies.

Call the Contractors (Reaching Out)

I've heard about the different levels of the 4-H program, but I don't understand how it all fits together.

The 4-H program has been developed through a system of 4-H councils. Each council performs specific functions. Members and leaders have opportunities to participate in decision making at each level of the 4-H program. At each level, Nova Scotia 4-H staff work with 4-H leaders in the operation of the council system.

The Nova Scotia 4-H Leaders Council consists of representatives from all six regions of the province. It works on behalf of all members and leaders in the province.

The basic council structure and levels of the 4-H program are:

Canadian 4-H Council
Nova Scotia 4-H Council
County 4-H Councils
4-H Clubs

Who Can I Ask for Help?

You have a question - a situation has you stumped, you don't know the details about an event or you simply want to know more about the 4-H program.

Here's who could provide the answers:

Your 4-H club's General Leader;
The Regional 4-H Specialist;
Other 4-H leaders;
Community resources;
4-H Resources found in the Audio Visual Catalogue;
The Nova Scotia 4-H Web Page - http: //

Leaders can participate in development opportunities throughout the year. Workshops, informal discussions, council activities and conferences are offered on topics that interest4-H leaders. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about the 4-H program, meet new people and develop or enhance your skills. 4-H staff are always open to topic suggestions. Assist them with planning activities, let them know your interests!

The Finishing Touches (Opportunities and Benefits)

What are some of the "Extra" Opportunities Available to Members and Leaders?

Get ready! There are "extras" available at every level of the 4-H program. Many clubs and districts organize special events such as bonspiels, community service projects and rallies. 4-H members can participate in Communications from club to provincial levels. 4-H members and leaders can meet new people and learn new skills through participating in a variety of regional 4-H workshop, conference and camping programs. Travel opportunities are available at the provincial, national and international level.

There are many exciting opportunities available, ask your Nova Scotia 4-H staff for details!

Why Should I Become a 4-H Leader?

Being a 4-H leader can make you feel good by:

Providing opportunities to further develop your leadership skills;
Gaining a sense of satisfaction from helping young people to develop new skills;
Having opportunities to meet new people and make new friends;
Providing opportunities to attend workshops, conferences and other travel experiences.

There are countless other reasons; just join us and see!


  Last Update: May 1, 2007