CBC/Radio-Canada Stations & Affiliates

CBC/Radio-Canada broadcasts our television and radio programming services via owned and operated stations, and television affiliates. The former are fully controlled by the Corporation, while the latter are privately owned stations contracted to carry our programming.


Carte du Canada

Yukon / Northwest Territories / Nunavut / British Columbia / Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba / Ontario / Quebec / New Brunswick / Nova Scotia / Prince Edward Island / Newfoundland / Labrador

Addresses of our main stations and affiliates in Canada.

Yukon Nova-Scotia New-Brunswick Prince-Edward Island Newfoundland Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Northwestern Territories

Vancouver Broadcast Centre

On Friday, December 4th, CBC/Radio-Canada Vancouver opened its doors and welcomed 6,000 members of the community who visited our newly renovated, state-of-the-art broadcast centre and took part in our annual Food Bank Day Fundraiser.