
The Canada Reads 2010 contests are now over. Swing over to the Book Club for more contests.

Congratulations to our winners!

Isabella Kratynski of Montreal, Viola Sendi-Mukasa of Ottawa and Karen Butt of St. John's all knew that Canada Reads can be found on CBC Radio, bold TV, Sirius Satellite Radio and online.

Doris Fillion of Edmonton told us that Roland Pemberton began his rapping career at the tender age of 13.

Wonryang Kim of Kingston, Ont., knew that Dr. Samantha Nutt co-founded War Child Canada.

Jennifer Williatte-Battet of Grand Etang, Cape Breton Island, N.S., knew the Olympic event in which Perdita Felicien competes.

Gudrun Masschelein of Alisa Craig, Ont., told us that Michel Vézina used to breathe fire.

Kayley Perfetto of London, Ont., knew that Simi Sara used to host a cooking show.

Roy Hamaura of Richmond, B.C., told us that Douglas Coupland wrote a book about Marshall McLuhan for Penguin's Extraordinary Canadians series.

Daniel Barta of Oakville, Ont., knew that Wayson Choy wrote his first novel at age 56.

Jennifer Silverman of Toronto told us that Ann-Marie MacDonald is also an actor.

Scott Labelle of Hanmer, Ont., knew that the Canada Reads competition only allows works of fiction.

Merilynn Coomber of Saskatoon, Sask., told us Nicolas Dickner lives in Montreal.

Uwe Naeher of Yellowknife, N.W.T., won the weekly prize by telling us that Marina Endicott's Good to a Fault was nominated for the Scotiabank Giller Prize.

Suzanne Flaro of Gananoque, Ont., won the second prize by telling us that Canada Reads launched with a public event in Toronto.

Charlotte Ashley of Toronto won the first week's prize by telling us Jian Ghomeshi has been the host of Canada Reads for three years now.


Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott published by Freehand Books
Defended by Simi Sara

Nikolski by Nicolas Dickner, translated by Lazer Lederhendler published by Vintage/Random House of Canada
Defended by Michel Vézina

Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland published by St. Martin's Press/H. B. Fenn and Company
Defended by Roland Pemberton aka Cadence Weapon
The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy published by Douglas & McIntyre
Defended by Samantha Nutt

Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald published by Vintage/Random House of Canada
Defended by Perdita Felicien