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Thursday, March 25, 2010 Toronto Edition

This is no time for Duncan to panic


By Hugh Mackenzie
2010/03/24 04:30:00

Over the past few weeks, Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan has received a lot of advice about what to do in this week's budget.

Opinion | Editorials

Move carefully on provincial deficit

2010/03/24 04:30:00 (34)

Six years ago, the newly elected provincial Liberal government was hyperactive about the $5.6 billion deficit it had inherited from the previous Conservative regime.

Opinion | Editorials

Border guards and guns

2010/03/24 04:30:00 (17)

Canada's border guards are a hardworking group. They processed 91 million people last year, and 12 million shipments. Made 12,000 drug seizures. Arrested 8,000 people. And seized 500 firearms.

Opinion | Editorials

TTC's not so small issue

2010/03/24 04:30:00 (15)

A new report detailing the sorry state of downtown subway stations raises a fundamental question: if the Toronto Transit Commission can't manage simple stuff like changing a burned out light, how can it be trusted to handle a billion-dollar expansion...

Opinion | Editorials

Lessons for us in Obama's win

2010/03/23 04:30:00 (37)

Barack Obama has done more than salvage his presidency by winning the vote for his hard-fought health care reform. He has also reminded Americans – and, by extension, Canadians – that leaders are "capable of doing big things" when they dare...


Walkom: Talking with the enemy is suddenly fashionable

By Thomas Walkom
2010/03/24 04:30:00 (6)

The most important news of the week is not U.S. President Barack Obama's sort-of success at health-care reform. It is a report from Kabul that Afghan President Hamid Karzai is in direct political negotiations with one of the country's three main...

News | Canada

Goar: Tories earn mixed grades at best from disabled

By Carol Goar
2010/03/24 04:30:00

It was a welcome gesture.


Welfare isn't broken so it won't be fixed

By Simon Black Image
2010/03/24 04:30:00

On Thursday, provincial Finance Minister Dwight Duncan will deliver the government of Ontario's budget for 2010. As reported in last Wednesday's Star...


Perform surgery on hospital CEO salaries

By Sharleen Stewart Image
2010/03/24 04:30:00

This is not shaping up to be a great week for people who earn six-figure salaries from the health-care system.

Your Letters

Transit City plan affordable and reliable

Re:Reassess transit city – it has

An auspicious moment for U.S.

Re:U.S government votes

Time to increase aid to fight TB

Today is World TB day. Tuberculosis takes 1.8 million lives per year. In Canada, we have only 1,600 cases and few TB...

Canada no model on priest abuse

Re:Vatican failed to heed sex abuse


UFC's toughest bout? Dalton McGuinty

A GIRLS OPINION!! Proud to say I love the sport.. and I might add I'm not a lesbian for those who are anti UFC and... yadidwhat!!

Ann Coulter speech cancelled after thousands protest

I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, I don't think that people who spew hate at target groups should be allowed on television... Spliceit

CRTC to rule on 'TV tax' dispute

just my opinion Last year I refused to spend over $100.00 a month for satellite signal for programing packages that... JPC1

News correction for March 24, 2010

A March 23 article about Councillor Rob Ford's bid for mayor of Toronto incorrectly stated that Ford has a weekly radio show and misstated the name of the radio station. In fact, Ford appears weekly...

Editorial CartoonEditorial Cartoon

by Theo Moudakis
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