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BP's Solar Retreat Signals Exodus of U.S. Renewable-Energy Jobs to Asia BP Plc’s decision to halt U.S. output of solar panels may help short-circuit President Barack Obama’s plan to create thousands of jobs in renewable energy.

EPA Says No Carbon Rules Will Be Imposed on U.S. Power Plants Before 2011 The Obama administration will put off until at least January requiring permits for greenhouse-gas emissions by industrial polluters such as power plants and oil refineries.

UN Carbon Credits Board Delays Clean-Energy Decision, Suspends TUEV SUED The United Nations board that oversees a global emissions-trading program delayed a decision that would potentially streamline approval of renewable energy projects in developing nations seeking tradable credits.

China's Drought Cuts Hydropower, Raises Price of Coal to Fire Power Plants Benchmark coal prices at Qinhuangdao, China’s largest port handling the fuel, rose for the first time in 10 weeks after a drought in the south cut hydropower generation and raised demand from coal-fired plants.

U.S., China, Germany are Top Markets for Clean Energy, Ernst & Young Says The U.S., China and Germany are among the most attractive markets for developers of renewable energy technologies, according to Ernst & Young.

T-Solar Weighs Selling Stake in Initial Public Offering to Fund Expansion Grupo T-Solar Global SA is considering whether to sell a stake in an initial public offering aimed at financing photovoltaic plants outside tariff systems established in European nations.

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