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Obama Visits Afghanistan, Presses Karzai to Root Out Government Corruption President Barack Obama made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on rooting out corruption and improving government functions so the U.S. can begin handing over security.

Obama's Treatment of Netanyahu in Washington Wasn't a Snub, Axelrod Says President Barack Obama’s lack of formal appearances with Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli Prime Minister’s visit to Washington last week shouldn’t be viewed as a snub, White House senior adviser David Axelrod said.

Netanyahu Pushed by Coalition Partner Along With U.S. to Curb Housing Plan Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now faces pressure from within his own governing coalition, as well as U.S. President Barack Obama, to rein in housing construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Harvard's Berwick Steps Into Political Fight Over Health as Medicare Pick Donald M. Berwick, a Harvard University scholar and long-time critic of U.S. health care, will be thrust into the political fight over the overhaul law as President Barack Obama’s choice to run Medicare and Medicaid.

Labor Agenda May Advance as Business Cries `Red Alert' on Obama's Becker Efforts by labor unions to expand employee organizing may gain after President Barack Obama, rejecting objections from Republicans and business groups, appointed Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board.

Republican Senator Graham Sees Financial Bill in Face of `Tough Sledding' Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham said he is confident his party and Democrats can pass a financial regulation measure even after the fight over health- care legislation.



Columnist Photo
Democrats won their health-care victory ugly, after a yearlong, fractious, uninspiring process filled with rancid deals and worse compromises, redeemed only by the moment when they actually delivered reform to the country.


Columnist Photo
“So lie to me, lie to me, I’d rather have it that way.”


Political Capital

Barack Obama, charges former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, is “the most liberal president” in modern times, pursuing “an agenda that really is foreign to mainstream America.” Other Republicans routinely talk about the president’s “socialist” agenda.

President Barack Obama, nearing the end of a bruising health-care battle, should consider the counsel of a former Bush official and propose a radical new consumption tax that most Americans oppose.

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