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Les Archives de Radio-Canada

Canada's got treasures!

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The Website Team

The CBC / Radio-Canada Digital Archives team is a unique collaboration of creative teams in Toronto and Montreal, working together with archivists and educational writers across Canada. Sincere thanks to the many past and present contributors in all locations, as well as our many partner organizations.

Radio-Canada CBC

Vice-président, Services français Executive Vice-President, English Services
Sylvain Lafrance Richard Stursberg

Directrice générale, ISN General Manager and Editor in Chief, CBC News
Geneviève Rossier Jennifer McGuire

Executive Director, News Content
Todd Spencer

Interim Director of Digital Media, CBC News
Mark Mietkiewicz

Chef de secteur Web, ISN
Christine Simard

Senior Producer
Paul Gorbould

Médiathécaires Archival Research
Danielle Cyr John Corcelli
Nathalie Lord Debbie Lindsey
Jean Plamondon

Rédacteurs Writers
Mathieu Arsenault Elizabeth Bridge
Anne-Caroline Crespel Hilary Clark
Steve Morales
Carol Neshevich

Agents droits d'auteur Rights Clearance
Marie Denis Christine Doherty
Vivian Moens

Encodage/numérisation Encoding
Service de postproduction de Radio-Canada Erich Schmidt

Promotion du site et marketing Marketing and Communications
Marie Tétreault, chef des Communications, Internet et services numériques Shireen Cuthbert
Production, exploitation et création
Martin Délisle, directeur production et exploitation
Geneviève Levasseur, directrice de la création
Bruce Lindsay, chef production et exploitation
Nicolas Asselin, développeur Web
Marie Benoit, analyste-conceptrice
Robert Paul, conseiller, Procédés Multimédias
Claudia Torres, développeur Web
Cédric Sam, analyste concepteur
Julien Sénécal, intégrateur Web
Annick Laliberté, coordonnatrice de projets
Kathleen Finnegan, intégrateur Web

Support technique, Internet et services numériques Technical assistance
Emmanuel Lagacé, chef support TI Daniel Goodier (CBC)
Adrian Miteran Calum McLeod (CBC)
Cyril Doudon

Révision linguistique
Fernande Desnommée

Administration Administration
Brigitte Talbot Estrela Da Silva
Francine Touchette Anthony Wollery

Special Thanks :
Blakkat (integration)
Bell Solution Web (design et integration)
François Turcotte (design)
Sandrine Prom Tep (ergonome)
CBC and Radio-Canada Support:

Special thanks to CBC Reference and Design Libraries / Médiathèque et archives de Radio-Canada

Bill Atkinson, executive director, Business Development
Geoffrey Hopkinson, director, Libraries, Archives & Documentation
Allison Lennox, manager, English Radio Archives
Michele Melady, manager, Reference Library

Arthur Schwartzel, library co-ordinator
Louise De Chevigny, directrice, Médiathèque et archives
Jean-Pierre Lachapelle, chef, Centre de préservation, Médiathèque et archives
Denise Sicard, chef, recherche et service à la clientèle, Médiathèque et archives
Christiane Taddeo, chef, Analyse et systèmes documentaires, Médiathèque et archives

Yellowknife: Marita Hollo
Vancouver Brenda Kilpatrick, Colin Preston
Edmonton: Diane Sweet
Calgary: Florence Hwang
Regina: Monique Nenson
Winnipeg: Joanne Lussier-Demers, Robert Miyai , Lisanne Pajot and Christopher Runions
Windsor Nancy Garant
Toronto: Liliane Hunkeler, Maureen Kennedy, Russ McMillen, Emily Mouzos, Brenda Percy, John Sabourin, Cheryl Suttie, Lori Tureski
Ottawa: Rose Bulaong Bergin, Julia Chandler
Montréal: Lili Yip
Moncton: Simonne Leblanc McCarthy
Fredericton: Joyce Reinhart
Halifax: Doug Kirby, Ellen O'Neill, Gordon Warren
Charlottetown: Barbi McGuigan
St. John's: Carolyn Atkinson

Andrée Ouellette, Directrice publicité
Diane Lafontaine, Premier chef publicité

Educational Materials
Resources.too (CBC)
KargoMédia (Radio-Canada)

Thanks to the following artists' unions for their assistance:

American Federation of Musicians (AFM) Canada
Writers Guild of Canada

The CBC/Radio-Canada Digital Archives would like to sincerely thank the Department of Canadian Heritage. Without its funding, this site would not have been possible.

Thanks to former staff and contributors to the site.