Permissions FAQ: Text/Article Permissions

Can I post your article on my website?
Yes. Go to the article you wish to post, click on the 'Republish' story tool (in the top left corner) and, select ‘Post Article’. Specify the length of time that you wish to have the article up on your site, and fill in all the relevant information and obtain permission instantly. If the article you wish to post does not have a 'Republish' button, please submit a Permissions request.
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May I quote from an article on your website? / May I use an excerpt from one of your articles?
Under certain circumstances, it is permissible to quote or excerpt from a CBC.ca article; however, prior permission is required before using any CBC.ca text in this manner. Please submit a Permissions request for our consideration.
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May we adapt one of your articles for use in our publication?
No, editing and adapting CBC.ca content is not permitted. When any CBC.ca article is reused, it must be reproduced as it was written.
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Is it possible for me to use one of the CP Online articles featured on your site?
No. CP holds the rights to all CP material that appears on CBC.ca. If you wish to reuse their material, you must contact them directly. To make a request for use of a CP article, please visit the CP website copyright permissions page at http://www.cp.org/.
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May we translate one of your articles for use in our publication?
No. If you wish to use a translated version of a CBC story, CBC must provide or approve the translation. There is a charge for this service. Please submit a request through our online Permissions form.
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May I use a CBC.ca article in my community newsletter?
Yes. Featuring a CBC.ca article in a non-profit or community newsletter is welcomed. You will find it is easy to obtain republishing rights. Locate the article you wish to use, click on the ‘Republish’ story tool (in the top left corner), then go to ‘Republish Article’. Be sure to click on the ‘Non Profit’ pricing, fill in the required information and obtain permission instantly. If the article you wish to post does not have a ‘Republish’ button, please submit a Permissions request.
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Would it be possible for our publishing company to use one of your articles in an upcoming publication?
Yes. Locate the particular article that you are interested in republishing, click on the ‘Republish’ story tool, then go to 'Republish Article'. All you need do is fill in the relevant information and your permission will be granted instantly. If the article you wish to post does not have a ‘republish’ button, please submit a Permissions request.
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May our non-profit organization use a CBC.ca article?
Yes, we allow non-profit organizations to reuse CBC stories through the iCopyright service (located in the top left corner of a story page). We have non-profit pricing to make the reuse affordable. If the article you wish to post does not have a ‘Republish’ button, please submit a Permissions request.
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My specific rights and permissions question is not covered in any of the FAQ on this page. Is there somewhere else I should look?
If your specific question has not been answered in the Permissions FAQ please send an email.
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