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Home · Health · Reproductive Issues · Dr. Henry Morgentaler: Fighting Canada's Abortion Laws

Topic spans: 1969 - 1989

Dr. Henry Morgentaler: Fighting Canada's Abortion Laws

In 1969 Dr. Henry Morgentaler emerged as one of Canada's most controversial figures when he broke the law and opened the country's first abortion clinic. Over the next two decades, the Montreal doctor would be heralded as a hero by some and called a murderer by others as he fought to change Canada's abortion laws.

Topic photo by Ian Barrett/Canadian Press

16 television clips
2 radio clips

Morgentaler enters the abortion debate

Broadcast Date: Oct. 20, 1967

In the late 1960s Dr. Henry Morgentaler — a Montreal family physician — emerges as a vocal advocate for the right of Canadian women to have abortion on demand. Attempting to induce an abortion is a crime punishable by life in prison, or two years imprisonment if the woman herself is convicted. Abortion becomes Canada's most explosive issue. While the growing women's liberation movement pushes for legal change, many Canadians maintain that abortion is murder.

In 1967 Morgentaler speaks before a government committee considering changes to the abortion law. In 1969 the federal government amends the law to make abortion legal under restricted conditions. An abortion can now be performed if a hospital committee decides continuation of the pregnancy would likely endanger the mother's life or health.

Morgentaler enters the abortion debate

• In 1967 Dr. Henry Morgentaler was president of the Humanist Fellowship of Montreal. Humanism is an atheist movement that believes in improving society through love, equity and reason. In 1968 Morgentaler became the first president of the newly formed Humanist Association of Canada (HAC). The association remains active although the Montreal group has disbanded.

Morgentaler enters the abortion debate

Medium: Television

Program: CBC Television News

Broadcast Date: Oct. 20, 1967

Guest(s): Henry Morgentaler

Duration: 1:24

Last updated:
June 3, 2009

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