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Good to a Fault Nikolski Generation X Jade Peony Fall on Your Knees
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Join the discussion on Nikolski by Nicolas Dickner
Join the discussion on Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland
Join the discussion on The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy
Join the discussion on Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald
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Day Five: Discussion


Congratulations to Nicolas Dickner and Michel Vézina! Nikolski is the winner of Canada Reads 2010.

After Good to a Fault was voted off early in the last day of the debates, it came down to Nikolski and The Jade Peony. Very few people thought the underdog book from Quebec would end up this year's champion but it prevailed. In yesterday's blog comments, many of you were upset by Fall on Your Knees' dismissal, but if Twitter is any indication, lots of listeners are pleased by Nikolski's win.

Question: Now that it's been crowned the Canada Reads champion in 2010, are you more likely to read Nikolski? Did any of the other panelists convince you to read any of the other books?

Today at 3 p.m. ET, the Book Club's Hannah Sung will host her final a live chat. Aside from leaving a comment in this entry, it's your last chance to weigh in on Canada Reads 2010.

Thanks for the great comments. 'Til 2011, happy reading!

Day Four: Discussion


The heavyweight book of Canada Reads 2010, Ann-Marie MacDonald's Fall on Your Knees, was the second book voted off. It seems like its defender Perdita was caught off guard, but were you surprised? In the video confessional, Samantha says she loves the book but voted against it (in the first round) because she saw it as the biggest threat. On air, Simi said that she thinks Fall on Your Knees has had its time in the spotlight already.

Question: Do you think the panelists should choose the Canada Reads winner based solely on the merits of the book, regardless of its popularity? Or, should the winner be something that most Canadians have not already read or heard of?

There is now one day of debate left. By this time tomorrow, we'll have crowned the winner of Canada Reads 2010.

Question: Now that there are only three books left, which ones do you think will make it to the final two? Which book do you think will ultimately get the title of Canada Reads 2010 winner?

Don't forget, Book Club host Hannah Sung hosts a live chat at 3 p.m. ET every day during Canada Reads week, including today.

If you'd like to discuss specific books, please visit the discussion pages for Fall on Your Knees, Generation X, Good to a Fault, The Jade Peony and Nikolski.

Day Three: Discussion


Goodbye Generation X! It's always a bit sad to see the first book voted off. It's usually at this point that the panelists remember that Canada Reads isn't a chat about books, but a war of words.

Question: How did Roland do as the defender of Douglas Coupland's Generation X? Should he have tried a different tactic?

It's not clear whether Michel Vézina is convincing his fellow panelists that his book should win Canada Reads, but comments from yesterday's blog entry show that listeners are charmed by his argument for Nikolski. On the confessional cam, Samantha has been very honest about her plans to knock Fall on Your Knees out of contention. Earlier this week, Perdita said she was going to vote with her heart, but since Sam voted against her book, all bets are off.

Questions: Will Sam's strategy backfire? Do you think Michel is convincing his fellow panelists? How will Roland affect the debates now?

Share your thoughts on Day Three of Canada Reads 2010 in the comments. Also, join Hannah Sung on the live chat today at 3 p.m. ET and make sure you watch the confessional video from earlier today.

If you'd like to discuss specific books, please visit the discussion pages for Fall on Your Knees, Generation X, Good to a Fault, The Jade Peony and Nikolski.

Day Two: Discussion


In yesterday's chat with Hannah and Jian, participants overwhelmingly thought that Michel Vézina had the best argument after the first day of debates. Not bad for someone who yesterday (in the confessional video) said he felt his English might make it difficult for him. Hannah will be back in a live chat at 3 p.m. ET today (and every day), so please come back and add your two cents.

Don't forget to watch the behind-the-scenes confessional video from yesterday. In it, the panelists discuss their reactions to the first day of debates and which book they think will fall first. Sam reveals her sneaky strategy and Michel elaborates on how literature is a unique medium.

If you'd like to discuss specific books, please visit the discussion pages for Fall on Your Knees, Generation X, Good to a Fault, The Jade Peony and Nikolski.

Fall on Your Knees: Too dark or full of hope?


In Day One of Canada Reads, FOYK was criticized by Roland Pemberton for being too dark. In Monday's live chat, Natalie, who defended FOYK in Civilians Read, suggested that Perdita Felicien should have countered this by focusing on the relationship between the Piper sisters. (As Natalie puts it, "there is so much hope in those sisterly bonds.")

What do you think?

— Barb

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