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CBC Book Club
CBC Radio Arts and Entertainment
P.O. Box 500, Station A
Toronto, ON
M5W 1E6

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Featured Reader

We want to learn more about you and your reading habits. Just send us an email with the following information and attach a photo of yourself, and you could be a Featured Reader. We will feature as many Book Club members as time and space permit. CBC Privacy Policy.

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Audio & Podcasts

Damian Rogers

The Next Chapter

Shelagh Rogers speaks with Toronto poet Damian Rogers about her recent collection, Paper Radio.

Amartya Sen

Writers & Company

Step into the world of international literature. Host Eleanor Wachtel speaks with humanist economist Amartya Sen.

Vincent Lam

The Book Club

Ever wondered just how an ER doctor finds the time to write award-winning books? Dr. Vincent Lam answers your questions.

Kid wearing headphones. Photo by flattop341

Between the Covers

Brad Smith's down-home story of family loyalty, Big Man Coming Down the Road, continues.

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