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CBC Maritimes

Maritime Magazine

Maritime Magazine tells stories about issues and people throughout the region. We present documentaries prepared by Maritime journalists that take a thoughtful approach to the changes going on in our region. We talk about the things that pull us together as a region - and sometimes tear us apart!

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Maritime Magazine in the Summer

June 25, 2010 12:13 PM

Join us on the radio - or scroll through the archives here - for some of our favorite shows from this past season.

And then please come on back in September for brand new documentaries from reporters across the Maritimes.

Have a great summer!

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The Treasure Trove Debate

June 18, 2010 3:04 PM

If you find treasure on land, the rules are pretty clear; hand it all over to the provincial government.

But, if you find treasure under the ocean - at least in Nova Scotian waters - it's a whole other can of worms.

Nova Scotia is the only province with a Treasure Trove Act, orginally written to deal with prospectors hoping to find treasure on Oak Island.

As reporter Stephen Puddicombe tells us, the provincial government is considering whether to change the he spoke with people for and against the legislation.

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Forget romance and "til death do us part", we all know that weddings are big business.

Very big business.

So why aren't more vendors in the region cashing in on the latest must-haves for trendy couples?

This week one local bride-to-be shows us the gaps in the matrimonial marketplace in the Maritimes.

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If someone started going through your mailbox at home, or peeking through your window as you composed a letter...chances are you'd consider that an invasion of privacy.

But what if someone started reading your personal e-mails?
What if they did it at work?
And what if that person was your boss?

That's what happened to a former employee at the town council office in Nackawic, New Brunswick.
And,the dispute over whether she has a right to be upset over it - has divided the town.

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Our story this week is about a generous man, originally from Prince Edward Island, who devoted his life to helping recent immigrants to Canada.

He helped make possible the reunion of two brothers, using a method of immigrant sponsership called A Group of Five. It's not used much in this region, in fact these individuals came to call themselves "the First Halifax Group of Five."

But the story took years to unfold... and not everyone got to see the happy ending. The CBC's Lisa Roberts brings us her documentary titled, "Maybe God Sent Bernie."