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Universal phone charger: Would you like to see one?


It's happened to nearly everyone at some point: You forget to take your cellphone charger when you go on vacation or your battery dies unexpectedly. Your friend's charger is incompatible, so you're stuck buying a new one or living with a dead phone until you can get home. However, Europeans will soon be able to share one battery booster among friends, as the European Commission recently announced the development of a one-size-fits-all phone charger for the continent. Cellphone companies like Apple, Samsung and Waterloo, Ont.-based RIM are already onboard.

Unfortunately, no plans are in place for something similar in North America, though there are hints the universal plug-in could make its away overseas.

Would you like to see a universal phone charger in North America? Take our poll.

(This poll is not scientific. It is based on readers' responses.)

