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Drake meets Nardwuar - hilarity ensues

Nardwuar the Human Serviette isn't acknowledged as one of our premier music journalists, and he damn well should be.

Some people are put off by his keening, prepubescent voice and foppish tam o'shanter hat. True, they can seem like gimmicks, but they're actually a ruse to put his interview subjects off their usual message track -- no small feat, if you've ever had the (mis)fortune of interviewing a high-profile musician.

And then there's Nardwuar's undeniable knowledge of music, which you can see in the obscure records he brings for his guests. This is yet another strategic move, meant to disarm his subjects, because the record titles he chooses are always deeply personal ones for his specific subject. The interviewees marvel at the extent of Nardwuar's research and resourcefulness, and reward him (and the viewer) with unfiltered confessions. Some of my favourite Nardwuar encounters include Pharrell Williams and his multiple visits with Snoop Dogg.

His latest subject is Canadian rap superstar Drake, who reveals, among other things, his love for Canadian hip-hop progenitor Michee Mee, his bra collection, his youthful, um, fervour for Pam Grier -- and, inevitably, his respect for the Human Serviette.

Ten minutes well spent.

