About the CBC Book Club

The Book Club is a place where book lovers can connect online to meet, chat and share news and views about books. This virtual gathering of avid readers discusses new topics and books each month.

Get involved by responding to our blogs and entering our contests. Write to us anytime. Feel free to Twitter away, too! And don't forget to join our Facebook group. Instead of wine and cheese, we provide the dish, along with videos, blogs, live chats, photos, interviews and more.

The Book Club Team

Ann Jansen, senior producer

I grew up in a house with few books, on a farm far from any library. Summers were a reading wasteland, so I was always happy to get back to school. Special thanks to my Grade 4 teacher, who had a long shelf of books running the length of her classroom. At the end of the year, she announced that I had read more books than the rest of the class combined, not counting Lori, who'd read half as many as me (hi, Lori). As a grownup, I've worked with authors, playwrights and actors, and have been sent many, many books. I co-founded CBC Radio's Between the Covers and have also directed award-winning radio plays. My luck in working with books has continued during my past four years with Canada Reads.

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Rosie Fernandez, associate producer

At Canada Reads, I work with the panelists, authors and publishers in preparing for the week of debates and in organizing associated events. Online, I produce content for the Canada Reads and Book Club websites, audio and video podcasts and our social media sites. I'm on twitter @rosewhite22.

I have also produced shows for CBC Radio, written and directed stage and radio plays, including A Girl Named Maria for Harbourfront's Ritmo Y Color Festival. I have a Master's degree in English literature, edit a quarterly magazine, and have inspired a bottle of wine.

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Kimberly Walsh, associate producer

Bookwormism is a recessive gene in my family so it struck me pretty hard and out of the blue at a very early age. My parents had a tough time keeping up with the growth of my compulsion to read over, say, interacting with other kids. Today, I continue to work behind-the-words as a web content and social media manager for the CBC Book Club and Canada Reads. You can also find me on the interwebz as @AliasGrace, blogging and tweeting about books, dachshunds and werewolves.

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Barb Carey, associate producer

I was raised on "once upon a time": having a bedtime story read to me (and to my siblings) was a nightly ritual in our house when I was young, and I've been a books person every since. As part of the Canada Reads team, I help prepare and edit material (both audio and print) for the website. Apart from that, I'm a freelance reviewer (mostly for the Toronto Star) and have published three books of poetry. Working on my fourth, but hey, where to find the time?

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Hannah Classen, associate producer

I'm one of those readers who thinks that books are the perfect technology —: from the crisp feel of the analog page to its exciting digital future! As part of the CBC Books team, I manage the website and blog for the Book Club. When I'm not crouched behind the computer screen, you can hear me on the radio as a freelancer for CBC Radio One and a few other independent podcasts.

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Haroon Syed

Haroon Syed

Book Club member Haroon Syed is reading Chuck Palahniuk's The Fight Club. Join Haroon as a Featured Reader, and tell us what book you've got on the go.

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