

The Witches:

My review is on the book (THE WITCHES).It is an awesome grade 5 book.

It had lots of information that I almost believed in it! In the book a little boy his parents die in an accedint in England,so he goes to live with his grand mother in Norway.The boys grandma knew a lot about witches
because there were a lot of witches in Norway.He would ask h is grandma to discribe a witch everyday and guess what they didnt even fly on broomsticks.The witches have big nose holes,they have claws, they have no toes.So be aware if you spot one!The witches even have a grand witch and they have meetings.

I loved that book because it sounded soo real i'd read it every night!


I agree with you Fatimah, the es are great. I also reccomend that you read ALL of the books by Roald Dahl. They are all so funny. Especialy Matilda.

The Witches is a very good book. It was sort of creepy though. But I liked when the boy gets changed into a mouse. I agree with Mariam that you should read all of Roald Dahls books. My favourite one is The BFG. Our teacher read that one too our class and then I read it by myself and I really like it.

i want more impermation about what witches do;nt have like no toes

amazing book sort of freiky though Roald Dahls is my fav auther

I love this book and all of Roald Dahl's books I highly recomend this book to kids ages 8 to 10!

I love Roald Dahl's books. They are amazing. The Witches is a freaky book at some points but it's still crazy good! I love it!

what was they actually witchs in oslo

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