

Artemis Fowl:

I've been reading the Artemis Fowl series since Eoin Colfer started righting them. I absolutely love them. their are five books in the series, Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code, Artemis Fowl The Opal Deception and the newest one Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony. The books are about a Child prodigy and criminal mastermind named Artemis Fowl and his body guard Butler. In the first book Artemis Stumbles upon the the faerie book (the faerie bible). He plans a kidnapping to obtain some of the faerie gold. He kidnaps a elf named Holly short who its a captain of the L.E.P ( lower elements police) but he discovers that he has bit off more then he can chew. The book ends with Artemis taking only half of the faerie gold and giving back the other for the help of Holly Short. Later In the series they become friends and with the help of other faeries save the world on many occasions. I know it sounds strange but its really well thought out and creative.


Too true!!!!Eoin Colfer rocks

love Eoin Colfer!

Great reveiw! I am a big Artemis Fowl fan too.
I have all the books. I am in the middle of "Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony".

I've been a fan of Artemis Fowl since the second book cames; I've read them all a few times. Eion Colfer's other books are fantasitic too!
Great review!

It's good to know there were others that like the book, and have been around since the beginning. Two was released when I was in Pennsylvania, and it came autographed.

Eoin Colfer is a great writer, and I hope he makes his movie soon.

they are making a movie for Artemis fowl, its coming out in 2008

theyre making a movie for Artemis Fowl??? thats really cool!! Artemis is such an awesome guy
my favourit Eoin colfers are The Wish List,The Supernaturalist and Half Moon Investigations

okay, that last one wasn't me, I dont like the wish list or the supernaturalist and I've never read Half Moon Investigations, so who ever is using my awesome name, STOP

best book ever


the graphic novel is so cool! alsow;Artemis Fowl: the time parodaux is coming out!!!!!!!!! It's Eoin Colfer's last book!!!!!!!!!!!!!


there is a new one coming out its so exciting

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