

Radio Fifth Grade:

The book "Radio Fifth Grade" is about Benjy Driver who wants to become a great radio one day, but now, he's just the host of his fifth grade radio, Kidsview. He also runs into a few problems. The first is Winston Churchill, the parrot/mascot of the week, won't even talk so the parrot is stuck on the radio for a few weeks. Then, one of the bullies from school, goes on and reads one of his stories, which is so bad that nobody tells him since they don't want to get beaten up. Then they get a new teacher which assigns too mjuch homework for them so they get less time to work on their planning for the show. I would say this book is great!!!!!


I'm reading that book right now.

I jost read it and it was great!!!!!

its a funny good book


I won this book on the pick of the week contest! It is really good.

it rules great book11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i am reading this bookk noww i like it

Awesome book, i own it!!

This is the worst book i ever READ!

My class read it together.
It is a awesome book.

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