

The Last Olympian:

Alright Finally The TIme Has Come For Me to Review The Book you’ve All Been Waiting For. . . The Last Olympian!!! This is defenatly one of my fav books in the whole world. All year the Half-Bloods have been waiting to attack the titans army. The book starts out with Percy driving Pauls Prius with Rachel in the Shotgun Seat(OOOOoooo).

Suddenly when there about to kiss(OMG!!!) A big Black Peaguses lands on the hood with Bekendorf on top. Then they leave to go assassinate the Princess Adromedia with greek fire when they get on the ship they silently put on the greek fire traps then they hear noises coming from outside the engine room so Percy Goes outside to lure them away from the engine room while Beckendorf sets up the rest of the traps then while he kills the guards that came to the engine room he suddenly fights a giant crab then things get extreamly bad. What happens next? I’m not going to tell u but I willt ell you this

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Ther is a traitor giving Kronos information about the plans of what there planning at camp half blood! Also there re many deaths that you girl Readers might not like.
P.S Sry It took so long to write. I kept forgetting to do it.

YOu might see more of my reviews but you might not. Good Bye!


Thanks for the Spoiler. Gosh

Hi! I read this book and thought it is almost as good as the Harry Potter series. My favorite part was when Percy and his friends helped destroy Kronos. The ending was a bit sad for me because Annabeth lost her "boyfriend" who she looked up to because in the middle of the book, the god of heat or whatever tells a story of how Annabeth first met Jake, I think his name was, and I was kind of sad and happy at the same time because, first of all: ronos was dead, 2nd: Annabeth was sad that he died because she thought Jake was her best friend. Overall, I think this book deserves 5 stars. I think this book is the best of all the Percy Jackson books!

i read the last olympian myself and found that it is a very good. the emotions are blended really well and i think it is Rick Riordan's best work.

I am in the middle of reading theis book. i love it.100 out of 10

hi i just started 2 read the book and WOW IT IS REALY GOOD i give it an 10000000000000000 of 5 and i think that peope should read it cuz it is so exiting and sad and icant wait 2 c the movie in februarybye (ps READ THE BOOK)

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