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CBC Maritimes

About Close To Home

3:00-4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday on Radio One

Close To Home is all about people and communities throughout Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island! Close To Home brings listeners to places throughout the Maritimes to hear from the people who are making these communities unique. The program will also feature the latest weather forecast from CBC Maritimes' meteorologist, Peter Coade, notices of special events upcoming in communities around the region, and great music from Maritime performers who live close to home.

Halifax Jazz Festival Give Away

The Halifax Jazz Festival is coming up in a couple of weeks... and it's a powerhouse line-up... a combination of revered and eclectic artists from afar with solid homegrown talent as well... and if you live outside of Halifax and you'd like a chance to check it out, tune into Close To Home this week and next .

We're giving away a trip for two to the jazz festival - including concert tickets, a hotel stay, a rental car, a gas voucher, a restaurant gift certificate and two tickets for a harbour cruise... and for a chance to win, all you have to do is call into their toll-free line with your most memorable roadtrip story... whether it be happy, sad, funny or profound...

The number is 1-877-429-4588...

Listen to Close To Home for more details, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. weekdays on CBC-Radio 1 and live streamed at

Host of Close To Home

Carmen Klassen

Carmen was born in Kitchener, Ontario but spent most of her youth in Thunder Bay. She received an Honours B.A. in English at Thunder Bay's Lakehead University and then studied Theatre at Lancaster University in the UK.

Carmen got her start in broadcasting at CBC Thunder Bay doing theatre reviews. That work led to her being hired as the host of the afternoon show there. She then moved to Halifax and worked as CBC's Maritime Arts Producer for four years. In December 2003, she signed on as the host of Mainstreet. She did a stint as an associate producer for Maritime Noon in 2009. Carmen currently hosts All the Best in the Maritimes and Close to Home.

Most of Carmen's extra-curricular time is spent at home enjoying time with her husband, two daughters - and when there's a rare lull - the cat.