
Are contracts worthless in soccer?

The concept of honouring a contract in football seems to be a thing of the past.

Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor claimed this week that, despite only joining the team at the start of last season, he could soon be off to join another club. 

"I wanted to wear the City shirt and have a better season compared to last year," Adebayor told Italian media. "But I know there will not be many chances for me and so I am considering the many offers I have received.

"I will be sorry to leave the Premier League, but in Europe there are other top leagues. Juventus are a great club in which I would like to play for."

"Until some time ago I would not have accepted a transfer to other clubs. The economic aspect is important but if it was one of the biggest clubs in the world I would consider other aspects."

Here's a thought for you, Emmanuel: rather than complaining about there not being enough chances for you this season, how about scoring some goals and playing well enough week in, week out so that your coach has no choice but to play you every game?  

Maybe if you delivered what was expected of you, those chances you speak of wouldn't be so few and far between. 

Perhaps it is a sign of the times that players, when faced with the slightest bit of competition or adversity, choose to take their ball and go elsewhere. 

Adebayor was happy to turn his back on Arsenal and accept an enormous contract to turn out for newly minted City last year. In doing so, he claimed that he was going to "come here and make history for this club and these supporters."
If by history he meant collect a huge paycheque, score a few goals, show glimpses of stardom and then jump ship at the first sign of adversity, then I suppose he delivered on his promise.

Now consider the situation surrounding Arsenal skipper, Cesc Fabregas. 

Not only has Fabregas been rumoured to be on his way to Barcelona this summer, both he and the Spanish club have admitted a desire to see the move transpire. 

Fabregas' Spanish teammates, with whom he lifted the World Cup in South Africa this summer, also threw their support behind the signing of the Arsenal captain, adding that it would be a dream to see their compatriot in a Barcelona jersey. 

Yet the saga came to an end this week, as Arsenal dug its heels into the ground firmly enough to ensure that Fabregas will be going nowhere, at least in the short term.

"I am a professional and I fully understand that it is Arsenal's prerogative not to sell me," Fabregas said. "I owe a lot to the club, manager and the fans and I will respect their decision and will now concentrate on the new season ahead with Arsenal.

"I can assure all the fans that now the negotiations have ended I will be 100 per cent focused on playing for Arsenal."

Well done, Arsenal.

Fabregas has five years remaining on his contract with the club, and by insisting he honour that contract, they dispelled the notion that those agreements are not worth the paper they are written on.

Players want it both ways; lucrative, long-term contracts that provide security on one hand, and freedom to move elsewhere at the drop of a hat on the other. I'm pleased that Arsenal took a stand, and I hope that mentality continues.

Comeback on the cards?

Well, I have decided to come out of retirement. Before you start jumping to conclusions, it is only for one day.

On Aug 14, I will be lacing up my boots for the Media All-Stars in the Athletes for Africa Rock the Pitch Soccer Tournament. 

Athletes for Africa is a non-profit organization that uses the power and profile of sport to promote global citizenship and empower the next generation of youth in Africa. By raising funds and increasing awareness, Athletes for Africa supports local programs that strengthen communities, provide education and foster skills development.

Now, this is where you come in. Athletes for Africa is aiming to raise $40,000 - and they need your help. If you can spare a few dollars to donate to this worthy cause, please follow this link and pledge your support. It is very much appreciated!

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