CBC News Federal Election


Note to Canada Votes visitors

 Overall Election Results
Party Elected Leading Total Vote Share
LIB 135 0 135 36.71%
CON 99 0 99 29.61%
BQ 54 0 54 12.40%
NDP 19 0 19 15.69%
NA 1 0 1 .13%
OTH 0 0 0 5.47%
 Last Update:  June 29, 5:38:55 AM EDT 308 seats

Liberals keep 'fragile' hold on power

Canadians woke Tuesday to their first minority government in nearly 25 years as voters gave the Liberals a fourth consecutive mandate, a victory largely achieved in seat-rich Ontario. FULL STORY

Opposition parties offer Liberals qualified support

The opposition parties have cautiously offered to co-operate with the new Liberal minority government to pass legislation in the months ahead. FULL STORY

Harper vows to hold Liberals to account

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper was disappointed by the Liberal win Monday night, but told supporters he was proud his party's progress. FULL STORY

Tories can't crack Liberal fortress in Atlantic Canada

Atlantic Canada showed its Liberal roots in Monday's election, generating few changes after the votes were counted. FULL STORY

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Election Snapshot

Paul Martin is cheered by supporters as he arrives at Liberal headquarters in Montreal on Monday, June 28, 2004.
(CP PHOTO/Fred Chartrand)

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Susan Mohammad  Susan Mohammad: Running a mini-marathon.
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