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Feds, First Nations leaders at odds on swine flu preparations

Last Updated: Friday, August 28, 2009 | 9:50 PM ET

Manitoba Grand Chief Ron Evans accused the Crown of ignoring its fiduciary responsibilities for health care.Manitoba Grand Chief Ron Evans accused the Crown of ignoring its fiduciary responsibilities for health care. (CBC)

Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq and a First Nations chief had widely divergent views Friday on the state of flu pandemic preparedness plans for aboriginal communities.

Aglukkaq told a parliamentary committee hearing in Ottawa that 90 per cent of 600 First Nations communities have a plan. In contrast, Grand Chief Sydney Garrioch of the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak said only two of 30 communities in his northern territory have a plan for dealing with the swine flu pandemic.

When Opposition MPs asked why the federal government is not contributing to pandemic kits for First Nations in Manitoba, Aglukkaq responded by asking whether purchasing soap should be federal responsibility, and that medical supplies are available from nursing stations.

Aglukkaq noted that aboriginal communities in Canada are younger on average than other communities, with a higher number of pregnant women and people with diabetes, which make them more vulnerable to severe disease from the H1N1 virus.

Soap without water

Dr. David Butler-Jones, Canada's chief public health officer, said all families should have basic supplies on hand, such as Tylenol for flu symptoms, a thermometer to check for fever, soap and water and potentially hand sanitizer.

But several native leaders described their frustrations from trying to deal with the pandemic when they lack running water, face overcrowded housing and insufficient funding.

Federal health officials responded that they have offered public health guidance to Indian and Northern Affairs, which is responsible for water on First Nations communities. The department makes a distinction between access to water and access to drinking water, since any water can be boiled for handwashing purposes, said Shelagh Jane Woods, director general of Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit health branch.

But Manitoba Grand Chief Ron Evans said the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs was "continually stonewalled by tight-fisted financial decisions that ignore Crown fiduciary responsibilities for health care."

Gail Turner, the director of health services for the Nunatsiavut government and chairperson of the national Inuit committee on health, said Inuit are vulnerable because of geography, weather and sickness from other diseases, since it's not always possible to fly people who are severely ill from swine flu to larger hospitals.

The federal pandemic plans for remote and isolated northern communities, Turner said, have "guidelines created [that] do not fit, and use a language that is full of false assumptions and hints of colonial bureaucracy."

Shawn Atleo, the newly elected national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said it's time to turn the immediate H1N1 "crisis" into a broader discussion of the desperate circumstances that many First Nations communities face.

2nd wave on the way

Elsewhere, the World Health Organization said Friday that swine flu infections have reached a peak in the Southern Hemisphere. The pandemic is now set to shift back north, where a second wave will put a strain on health care facilities, the UN health agency said.

"The H1N1 pandemic virus has rapidly established itself and is now the dominant influenza strain in most parts of the world," WHO said in a statement. "The pandemic will persist in the coming months as the virus continues to move through susceptible populations."

Flu levels have returned to normal in most southern countries, but remain elevated in South Africa and Bolivia, said WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl. Infections also seem to be starting earlier than normal in Japan, he said.

Research shows the H1N1 virus replaced normal in most southern countries during their flu season. The majority of infections were mild, along the lines of illnesses caused by normal flu.

Countries should plan for growing demand on hospital intensive care units from a second wave of the pandemic, WHO urged. But a second wave of flu in northern countries such as Canada will put a strain on health-care facilities such as intensive care units, the UN health agency said.

Doctors worldwide are reporting a very severe form of the disease in young and otherwise healthy people. "In these patients, the virus directly infects the lung, causing severe respiratory failure," WHO said

With files from The Canadian Press and The Associated Press



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Swine flu

Ready or not
Swine flu: FAQs
A by-the-numbers look at the swine flu
Hygiene lessons to prevent school spread
The vaccine: the road to rollout
How it's unfolding: a timeline
Timeline: key dates in the development of H1N1 vaccine
Isolating the ill: when to quarantine
MAP: Tracking H1N1 across Canada
Investigating swine flu: WHO's pandemic alert levels
Did pandemic-watchers miss the signs online?
Swine flu roots traced to Spanish flu
Will face masks protect you from the flu?
Inside CBC News: We are not renaming swine flu

In Depth

7 things you should know about swine flu
How swine flu is changing some behaviours
Pandemic preparation: dealing with infectious disease outbreaks
What is a virus?
How viruses mutate
Misconceptions about the flu
Tips for building your immune system
Fighting the flu
The 1918 flu epidemic
CBC Archives: Influenza - Battling the last great virus
CBC Archives: The swine flu fiasco


Flu shot plans vary across Canada
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Swine flu raises questions about sick leave policies
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Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk
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Swine flu protocol signed for First Nations
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H1N1 vaccine in babies worries expert
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Swine flu outbreak hits Vancouver Island First Nations
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H1N1 vaccine priority groups released
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H1N1 vaccines get U.S. approval
Sept. 15, 2009
1 dose of Canada's H1N1 shot protects adults: company
Sept. 14, 2009
Address swine flu vaccine fears, doctor urges
Sept. 11, 2009
Vaccinate kids early to fight swine flu
Sept. 10, 2009
H1N1 infects cells deep in lungs
Sept. 10, 2009
Canada's swine flu vaccine coming in October
Sept. 3, 2009
Flu vaccine plan will be too slow: CMAJ
August 31, 2009
Feds, First Nations leaders at odds on swine flu preparations
August 29, 2009
Swine flu vaccine funding boosted
August 27, 2009
Swine flu 'czar' needed: CMA Journal
August 17, 2009
Canada to order 50.4 million H1N1 vaccine doses
August 6, 2009
Alcohol-based sanitizers for flu-hit First Nations delayed over substance abuse fears
June 23, 2009
WHO declares swine flu pandemic, no change in Canada's approach
June 11, 2009
Swine flu epidemic in decline: Mexico
May 3, 2009
No sustained spread of swine flu virus outside North America: WHO
May 2, 2009
Canada doing all that's needed to respond to swine flu: PM
April 30, 2009
WHO boosts pandemic alert level to 5
April 29, 2009


Former patients tell their stories
What the World of Warcraft video game is teaching pandemic experts
Swine flu reality check with Dr. Michael Gardam with the Ontario Agency for Health Protection (4:25)
May 1, 2009

External Links

H1N1 Flu Virus surveillance from the Public Health Agency of Canada
FluWatch animated maps of flu activity, Public Health Agency of Canada
Influenza A/H1N1 situation updates from the WHO
H1N1 Flu situation update from Centres for Disease Control

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