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Project Overview
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Natural Disaster: Ice Storm
Project type: Introductory Activity
Related topic:
The Ice Storm of 1998
Social Studies
In this introductory activity, students create a fact sheet about the ice storm of 1998.
1 lesson
To understand the important facts of a natural disaster.
Lesson Plan
Before Exploring
Before analyzing the specifics of this particular disaster, have the students generate a list of natural disasters that have occurred recently both nationally and internationally. List the places and events on the board, then collectively define the term ‘natural disaster.’ For example, does loss of human life have to be part of the event to qualify as a natural disaster? Ask students to volunteer any personal experiences with a natural disaster before concluding this activity.
Outline the Opportunity
Have the students explore related links on the Ice Storm topic. Assign half of the class the link entitled CBC Newsworld: The Ice Storm, and the other half of the class the link entitled Peter Grogono’s Ice Storm Photographs. With the information they gather, students will create a fact sheet about the storm experience. The fact sheet should be approximately one page in length, and deal with the specifics presented. Beside each statement on the sheet, students should write either an H to indicate human impact, or a P to indicate physical impact.
Revisit and Reflect
Partner students with someone who investigated the other link. Together, each pair will assess the similarities and the differences presented in the two links. Have pairs share with the class what they have learned about both the physical and human elements of the Ice Storm.
At the bottom of the site, under the 8 Additional Clips about the Ice Storm 1998, have the students review the short clips on the Montreal Ice Storm of 1961 and the Ottawa Ice Storm of 1986. Ask the students to identify one physical and one human impact in both of these ice storms. The impacts could be similar or different from what they previously identified for the 1998 Ice Storm in Montreal.