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Les Archives de Radio-Canada

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Home · For Teachers · Who Was Terry Fox?

Project Overview
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Who Was Terry Fox?
Project type: Introductory Activity
Social Studies
In this introductory activity, students identify, and describe orally or in writing, characteristics and facts about Terry Fox
1 lesson
To learn about a significant person in recent Canadian history
Lesson Plan
Before Exploring
Write the following sentence on the board: I just wish people would realize that anything is possible if you try. Invite students to comment on, react to, and ask questions about the statement. Note their ideas on the board.

Inform students that these words were spoken by a young Canadian called Terry Fox. Explain that they will be learning more about this individual through the CBC Digital Archives Web site.

Outline the Opportunity
Have students visit the CBC Digital Archives Web site. Give them 5 to 10 minutes to browse the file in any order that they wish, and ask them to keep a running list of at least five characteristics or facts related to Terry Fox. Students should prepare a brief oral or written statement to support what they found.

Depending on the age, experience, or ability of your students, reduce or increase the time for exploration, or the number of items that students are to find.

Revisit and Reflect
Have students share their findings, either orally or in written form. On the board, create a large format word web about Terry Fox, based on students’ findings and comments. Encourage students to revisit the initial quotation that you posted, and explain how their initial exploration of the Terry Fox site has altered their ideas, comments, or questions.
Have students write a brief paragraph introducing Terry Fox, based on the ideas and facts raised in the collective word web. As well, ask students to write three questions about Terry Fox that they would like answered. Revisit these questions at the end of the study period on Terry Fox.