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Les Archives de Radio-Canada

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Home · Sports · Skating · Canada's Figure Skating Greats

Topic spans: 1948 - 1989

Canada's Figure Skating Greats

At the highest level, figure skating blends athleticism, power and strength with artistry, grace and pageantry. Canadians have shone along with the world's finest. CBC was there as Barbara Ann Scott pierced Canada's post-war gloom with her 1948 Olympic gold and her sweet smile, and again for the "Battle of the Brians" (Boitano and Orser). It captured Elizabeth Manley's unexpected silver in Calgary in 1988, and the judging scandal that swirled around the performance of Salé and Pelletier in Salt Lake City in 2002. CBC Digital Archives looks back over decades of gravity-defying throws, complex footwork, colourful costumes and complicated scoring systems.

Topic image of Barbara Ann Scott is from the National Archives PA - 112373

9 television clips
4 radio clips

Barbara Ann Scott: Canada's Sweetheart

Broadcast Date: Jan. 2, 1964

The host of CBC Television's Observer admits that the world was "half admiring and half appalled" by the determination and grit shown by the "unsophisticated little girl." In 1948, Barbara Ann Scott becomes the first Canadian figure skater to win an Olympic gold medal. Described as sheer perfection on skates, the pretty 19-year-old also becomes the first North American to win all three major figure skating championships - the European, the World and the Olympics.
Her accomplishments and fame catapult Canadian figure skating on to the world stage. It also sparks something of a Barbara Ann Scott frenzy. Barbara Ann dolls, movie offers, parades and keys to Canadian cities are just part of the hoopla. Women copy her hairstyles and hats while thousands of young Canadians head to the ice rinks with dreams of being world champions.

"Sweet, talented and blessed with a fabulous smile," the "dainty blond dervish" comes to symbolize the ideal female athlete in Canada.

Barbara Ann Scott: Canada's Sweetheart

• Barbara Ann Scott was born on May 9, 1929 in Ottawa, Ontario.

• CBC's Clary Settell described Scott as "so good, sweet, wholesome that you just gotta love her."

• Scott was an accomplished pilot. At 18, she became the youngest woman member of the Ottawa Flying Club to fly solo.

• Canada's sweetheart was an accomplished businesswomen and an excellent equestrienne.

• In later years, the emphasis on Scott's doll-like persona over her incredible athleticism would be challenged.

Barbara Ann Scott: Canada's Sweetheart

Medium: Television

Program: The Observer

Broadcast Date: Jan. 2, 1964

Guest(s): Barbara Ann Scott

Duration: 11:06

Photo: Yousuf Karsh / Library and Archives Canada / PA-165921

Last updated:
Jan. 14, 2010

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