
Promised Land
with Natasha Fatah

Escape from Ethiopia

Posted by Dagna Pielaszkiewicz

Biru family.jpgDaniel Biru with his wife Chantal Vero and his sons Abel and Alex Biru. (Mark Ulster)

Daniel Biru spent a decade on the run across the African continent. He was a student leader thrown in prison, then he became an escapee and a fugitive, and eventually a stowaway who was cast out into the open sea. Hear it all on Escape from Ethiopia.

Episodes appear online at 11 PM EST. Download Escape from Ethiopia as a podcast(updated every Tuesday).

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Daniel Biru at CJAM.jpgDaniel Biru hosting Ethiopian Voice at CJAM in Windsor. (Courtesy Mark Ulster)

Escape from Honduras

Posted by Dagna Pielaszkiewicz

Nora Lopez.jpgNora Lopez being interviewed by Natasha Fatah. (Courtesy Mark Ulster)

Nora Lopez's husband Eduardo, a human rights activist, was denied refugee status by Canadian officials, then he was murdered by a Honduran death squad. Nora and her three children had to get out before the same thing happened to them. Hear it all on Escape from Honduras. Episodes appear online at 11 PM EST.

Download Escape from Honduras as a podcast (updated every Tuesday).

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Eduardo Lopez.jpg Eduardo Lopez c. 1983. (Courtesy Nora Lopez)

Nora and Osiris Lopez.jpgNora and Osiris Lopez in Honduras. (Courtesy Nora Lopez)

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The Guardian Newspaper praises Promised Land

Posted by Natasha Fatah

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The Guardian,
Radio head: Promised Land

This tale of a fugitive journalist's escape from Eritrea was one long adrenalin rush, writes Elisabeth Mahoney 

Promised Land, a series of documentaries on Canada's CBC Radio One is based around a simple idea, introduced by presenter Natasha Fatah: "An escape that starts anywhere in the world but always ends in Canada".

They make gripping radio. These well-produced half-hour shows are driven by stories that cannot help but be dramatic, and are assembled to heighten that using archive news clips, music (especially for the most terrifying moments of the escape) and, most crucially, voice. Most of the telling is done by the escapees, or their families, and these programmes are testimony to how powerful personal stories can be on radio.

The most recent episode, Escape from Eritrea, features journalist Aaron Berhane, who fled in 2002 when the government closed the newspaper he had founded - the biggest independent newspaper in the country - and where he was editor-in-chief. His tale was an adrenalin rush just to listen to, let alone live. He was on the border, in the dead of night, when the border guards opened fire: "When I heard that," he recalled, "something was burning from inside. I just ran to the land of Sudan."

What gave this episode added poignancy was that Fatah interviewed him just a few weeks after his wife and children had finally joined him in Toronto after eight years' separation. This reunion framed the programme, and movingly so. It opened with the sound of his nine-year-old son singing a song in English that he had just learned at school, and closed with a comment from his daughter, who was 10 when he left. "Now, I'm a lady," she said, "Eighteen years old".

These are brilliant programmes, some telling stories from much closer to home - one includes an American army deserter - and all full of stubborn courage, braveness, luck and some jaw-dropping cruelty. Like the very best radio, they stay with you long after you've listened enrapt.

Go to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2010/aug/11/radio-head-promised-land