
The Sunday Edition
with Michael Enright

Coming Up

Sunday, August 15th

Our guest host this Sunday will be Kevin Sylvester.

Hour One: More than 100 years ago the writer J.M. Barrie had the same thought... and wrote about a boy who never grew up - Peter Pan. A new production of the play is packing them in at the Statford Festival this summer and the man who plays Captain Hook knows why.

Also in our first hour, the love story of Nadia and Ricky. Both seriously disabled and confined to wheelchairs, they had to fight first for the right to get married, then for the right to live together as husband and wife.

Hour Two: Have you read Love You Forever - Alligator Pie -- Franklin is Afraid of the Dark? Remember the terrific illustrations that brought them to life? Canadian children's writers and publishers are world famous, best selling, critically acclaimed and, in some cases, in danger of going broke. How did Canadians get so good at this? And why have they had to struggle to make it and stay Canadian? Gail Edwards and Judith Saltman have examined the past, present and future of Canadian illustrated children's books in their new book. They will be here to chat with us in hour two.

And, lastly, you will hear Michael Enright in conversation with Annabel Lyon - author of The Golden Mean. The novel imagines a friendship between Aristotle and a young Alexander the Great; plus a lesson in how to quit your job with style....

August 15, 2010

This week our Summer guest host was Kevin Sylvester.

Captain Hook Sails Again - You've got to have some sympathy for the guy. After all his hand was cut off and fed to a crocodile that has been stalking him ever since for another meal. However he does take pleasure in terrorizing small children. Captain James Hook remains one of the great villains that kids love to hate. Is he really bad, or just misunderstood? Canadian actor Tom McCamus is bringing fiendish glee to his protrayal of the legendary Hook in Peter Pan at the Stratford Festival this summer. He talks about getting hooked on Hook.

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Hour Two: Picture a Children's Book- For most of us our first experience of books came when we were very young, our tiny hands feeling the pages, our eyes growing wide as our mother or father told us the story. And those books were usually filled with pictures that told easily more than a thousand words. Those first impressions can influence us for a lifetime. Kevin talks to the authors of a new book about the evolution of illustrated children's books in Canada.

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Elsewhere on the Show: Nadia Cashman and Ricky Brooks have severe physical disabilities are confined to wheelchairs. They were both living in longterm care facilities in Ottawa when they met and fell in love. But the course of this couple's true love did not run smooth. You wil hear a repeat broadcast of Bob Carty's documentary Love Got Wheels, the story of Nadia and Ricky's struggle for the right to live together as man and wife; and a repeat broadcast of Michael Enright's conversation with Canadian writer Annabel Lyon. Perhaps it's her training in philosophy but whenever Annabel Lyon is rattled she seeks solace in the writing of Aristotle. Which is how she found herself pulling out an old volume of his Nichomachean Ethics. And how she came to write her award-winning novel The Golden Mean which imagines a friendship between the philosopher and his student, Alexander the Great.