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David Baskin: RESPs are your best back-to-school buy

As people think about buying things for the back-to-school season, they should be thinking about registered education savings plans, writes David Baskin.

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Michael Hlinka: The real story about Potash Corp. takeover bid

The takeover bid by BHP Billiton for Potash Corp. has been getting lots of attention lately.  CBC business columnist Michael Hlinka has some extra insight into what's really going on.
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Michael Hlinka: Is a Canadian housing bubble poised to burst?

Is a Canadian housing bubble poised to burst?  CBC business columnist Michael Hlinka thought the answer was no - that is, until he was forwarded a copy of Grant's Interest Rate Observer. Now he's not so sure.
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Kira Virmond: Working out at the workplace

Who has time to exercise? Well, you do. Especially if your company offers a gym onsite. And your boss wants you to work out. Because studies show that workplace fitness isn't just good for your health. It's also a boon for the bottom line.

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Michael Hlinka: Ominous signs for the economy

Statistics Canada reported a big drop in employment last week. Business columnist Michael Hlinka took a look at Canada's employment market - and he's not happy with what he saw.

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Michael Hlinka: RIM's difficult week

It has been a very big week for Waterloo, Ontario-based Research in Motion. Having just launched the Torch - its answer to the iPhone - it faces a boycott in the United Arab Emirates that threatens to spread across that region. Business columnist Michael Hlinka looks at this clash between modern commerce and traditional politics.
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Ellen Roseman: Quebec consumer law welcome move

Ellen Roseman is a business writer at the Toronto Star.

Cell phones make life easier. But they also attract more complaints than almost any other consumer issue. Let me count the ways.

You buy a cell phone plan advertised at, say, $30 a month. But that doesn't include a bunch of extra fees that bump up your bill to $40 or $50 a month. There's no requirement that wireless carriers show an all-in price.
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Kira Vermond: Dads, it doesn't hurt to ask the boss about family flex time

Moms have long complained about the struggles they face when dealing with the pull between work and home. But according to a 2010 Workopolis poll, seven in 10 dads say they feel guilty when work commitments take precedence over family time.
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Michael Hlinka: Rethinking Tony Hayward's BP sendoff package

Three months after oil started flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, there's been a management shakeup at British Petroleum - something that many say was long overdue. But CBC business commentator Michael Hlinka thinks that the head of BP shouldn't be relieved of his duties just yet. Tony Hayward, take note...
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Michael Hlinka: Putting interest rates into perspective

As expected, the Bank of Canada raised its benchmark bank rate for the second consecutive month on Tuesday, which puts it at three-quarters of one per cent. While some have complained the increase was too much too soon, CBC business columnist Michael Hlinka wants to provide some perspective to show how low interest rates still are - at least according to historical standards.
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