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Real estate

Real estate in Canada: average resale prices, changes in new home prices

Last Updated: Thursday, July 15, 2010 | 4:06 PM ET

The map below includes the latest real estate statistics from across the country, including average prices of resale homes and change in price of new homes.

  • House price changes (Source: Statistics Canada)
  • Average resale prices in selected markets (Source: CREA)

The steam is definitely out of Canada's real estate market, according to figures released by the Canadian Real Estate Association. Sales in June were off 8.9 per cent from May and down almost 20 per cent from June 2009. Prices were up 4.9 per cent per cent from June of last year. But the the rate of growth in prices has slowed down substantially.

As well, the number of new listings continues to surge. On average, there is a 6.9 month supply of homes on the market across the country.


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