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CBC Prince Edward Island

Current Conditions

Fri Aug 20, 10 at 12:00 AM ADT

20°C 68°F

Feels like: 26°C

Feels like: 79°F

Mostly Cloudy

Visibility: 24.1 Km
Sunrise: 6:16 AM
Sunset: 8:16 PM

Wind: SSE 9 km/h
Humidity: 87%
Pressure: 101.0 kPa

Weather information provided by Environment Canada


A few clouds
Low: 16°
Low: 61°


Sunny with cloudy periods
High: 24°
High: 75°


(Celsius) Thu Aug 19, 10 at 4:00 PM ADT Thu Aug 19, 10 at 4:00 PM ADT


Cloudy periods. Clearing this evening. Low 16.


Sunny. Becoming a mix of sun and cloud in the morning. High 24. UV index 7 or high.

Friday night

Increasing cloudiness. A few showers beginning in the evening. Amount 2 to 4 mm. Low 16.


Extended Forecast

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

August 20

August 21

August 22

August 23

August 24

August 25

Sunny with cloudy periods Showers A mix of sun and cloud Sunny Sunny A mix of sun and cloud

High 24°

High 75°

High 20°

High 68°

21° | 15°

70° | 59°

22° | 11°

72° | 52°

23° | 14°

73° | 57°

24° | 15°

75° | 59°


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