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August 20, 2010: Is it safe to eat here?
The city of Winnipeg maintains a list of restaurants that have been fined for health violations or actually closed down.  You can find the Diner's Digest here.
August 12, 2010: Natural Systems Agriculture - Perennial Grains
For more information about Martin Entz's program of natural systems agriculture, click here.

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Heritage Tree

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for IMG00041-20100817-0704.jpgWendy Land has a one-hundred-year-old heritage tree in her fron yard.  But it's become diseased and she thinks thecity isn't doing enough to help her save it.

Inner city "bred"

An award winning sculpture from a University of Manitoba art student came from her own personal experience growing up in different cities across Canada.  Sherrie Rennie told Information Radio she was "surprised" that her dismal looking loaf took the top prize. It's been packed for shipment to a Toronto museum at the end of the week. 

-photo courtesy Sarah Ann Johnson

Thumbnail image for 01_Rennie.jpg.jpg

Thumbnail image for IMG00034-20100813-0739.JPGHeavy rain in Winnipeg came down around 6 a.m. leaving pools of water on streets during the morning rush.  Ismaila captured this one in front of the Victoria Inn on Wellington.