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June 16, 2010 5:45 PMHow productive has this Parliament been?
A minority government - prorogued for months.  We look into what work got done during this session of Parliament, including the number of bills passed, to find out just how much was accomplished by our federal government on behalf of Canadians.
June 8, 2010 4:46 PMIs it time for a coalition?
Secret discussions among Liberal insiders have been taking place about not just a coalition after the election, but of actually forming a new party. They've even got a name for it: The Liberal Democrats. There's been tentative talk about what a platform would look like, and an understanding that this would require
May 18, 2010 2:27 PMWhy are there no gay men in professional team sports?
It's not the kind of fight hockey coaches and general managers usually take on. But Brian Burke, general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, has become a high-profile voice in the campaign to get homophobia out of sports. This comes after his son, Brendan, was killed in a car accident,
May 11, 2010 6:15 PMIs the Christian right changing Canada?
In recent days and weeks we learned Toronto's gay pride parade is losing its federal funding and that federal funds would not go to maternal health initiatives that involve abortion. A new book suggests that a militant brand of Christian conservatives helped drive some of these changes. So tonight we
April 28, 2010 4:00 PMWhy are there more lobbyists than ever?
The Rahim Jaffer controversy has raised a lot of questions about how lobbying is done in Ottawa. There are, of course, rules that govern lobbying. But there has been a steady increase in the number of lobbyists at work. And "official" lobbying isn't the only way that business gets done.
April 21, 2010 1:38 PMCan You Re-brand the Oilsands?
For decades, that massive patch of black gold in Alberta was known as the tar sands. But recently, things have changed. The term tar sands has been replaced by the term oilsands. But environmentalists are not giving up the tar without a fight. The word is central to their campaign
April 14, 2010 2:47 PMCan rehab fix a problem priest?
Over the last month or so, the Catholic Church has been at the centre of new allegations of sexual abuse of children. Sadly, it's not a new problem for the Church or the victims. Tonight, we visit a place called The Southdown Institute. It's the only place of its kind
February 25, 2010 4:14 PMIs Own The Podium doomed?
There's been a lot of discussion lately about Canada's Olympic funding program Own The Podium.  People worried it wasn't helping win enough medals.  Others felt it was almost un-Canadian to be so aggressive about winning.  But now that the Games are winding down and the funding is drying up, there
February 17, 2010 3:45 PMWhat's the difference between performance enhancing drugs and performance enhancing technology?
Since the first Olympic games in ancient Greece, athletes, their gear, and the courses they compete on have become increasingly advanced. They have literally become faster, higher and stronger. Drugs and doping have been banned because they give athletes an unfair edge.  But the same can't be said about high-tech
February 3, 2010 9:45 PMIs Stephen Harper Canada's most pro-Israel Prime Minister?
There has been a great deal written lately about the turmoil at Rights & Democracy. It comes after the Harper government appointed new board members who challenged grants to three human rights organizations known to be critical of Israel's human rights record. The Prime Minister has been very clear about
January 12, 2010 12:19 PMIs childhood obesity child abuse?
Three studies in recent weeks have sounded the alarm about the impact of childhood obesity. So with obesity in the news we started doing some digging around. We found out that obesity was a key factor in a number of custody cases. Judges have taken kids away. Parents have been
January 6, 2010 2:33 PMIs Stephen Harper really accountable to anyone?
If you read through the opinion pages, letters to the editor and comment sections from news outlets across the country a theme emerges. Among people who disagree with the Prime Minister's decision to suspend Parliament they feel that it was done against their wishes. So we decided to look into
December 14, 2009 2:02 PMDoes protesting change anything?
This weekend, about a thousand people were arrested during protests around the Copenhagen climate change conference. Last week, Greenpeace activists scaled the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa and unfurled banners. There have been similar protests at the oilsands in Alberta.  But despite all this activism, a deal on climate change seems
December 7, 2009 1:13 PMIs buying green bad for the environment?
With an eye toward the Copenhagen conference today, we take a look at "small step" environmental programs that have proven so popular. For years, Canadians have been encouraged to buy energy-efficient products like light bulbs and shower heads. The idea was that together, people could have a large impact on
December 2, 2009 10:39 AMWhy are we giving foreign aid to one of the richest economies on the planet?
The Prime Minister's latest trade mission has him in China. Today he'll visit the Great Wall and meet President Hu Jintao. China has a $4.3-trillion economy and a massive military budget. It owns trillions of dollars of U.S. debt. But despite all this economic power Canada is still spending foreign
November 23, 2009 3:54 PMDoes Canada really protect whistleblowers?
Back in 2006 a recurring theme on the Conservative campaign trail was accountability. The Tories' accountability act included protection, even rewards, for whistleblowers or people who report wrongdoing. But since raising allegations of torture in Afghan prisons Richard Colvin's credibility has been under attack. Tonight's question: Does Canada really protect whistleblowers?
November 17, 2009 5:25 PMIs the India trip Harper's ticket to a majority?
Stephen Harper is about to wrap up his trip to India. It's included some serious talks about building on the trade relationships between Canada and India. Civilian nuclear cooperation was a key area. But the Prime Minister also posed with Bollywood stars and appeared on India's version of So You
November 9, 2009 2:47 PMIs kids tv bad for parents?
Sesame Street pioneered educational kids tv. It helped parents by teaching the three Rs and lessons about cooperation, sharing and diversity. Through the decades, as kids got older, they watched shows that also tended to "side" with parents. The Cosby Show and Different Strokes both featured parents who were the show's
November 3, 2009 2:12 PMWill Canada ever have a black Prime Minister?
So the poll was close but race and politics beat out emissions caps for tonight's question. The segment is shaping up nicely. We've got a grassroots organizer with an optimistic take on the issue. And Wendy spoke with an author who thinks Canadians are wearing rose coloured glasses when it comes
November 2, 2009 2:41 PMCan Canadians be trusted to wait their turn?
The poll results are in. Tonight we're going to explore the issues around the amount of trust that health officials are putting in Canadians when it comes to following the pandemic plan. There have been examples of queue jumping across the country. And now with the vaccine shortage officials are
October 27, 2009 2:57 PMIs NASA a waste of money?
Is NASA a waste of money? Let us know what you think...Where will NASA's next leap take us?Questions surround pivotal test.Rocket ready for launch
October 26, 2009 12:39 PMWho's cashing in on swine flu?
Have you seen people selling swine flu related gear? Do you have thoughts on drug companies who make money selling vaccines? Or should we even care that people are making money? Let us know...