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The CBC's Maureen Brosnahan

New Orleans: The city that lives on

Last Updated: Friday, July 9, 2010 | 5:11 PM ET


World Headlines

Pakistan flood crisis still unfolding: UN Video
Funding for flood relief in Pakistan is increasing but more aid is needed to help the millions of people affected by weeks of devastating floods, the United Nations says.
Omar Khadr not tortured: judge
The U.S. military judge presiding over Omar Khadr's war-crimes trial says the Canadian was never tortured by his American captors or interrogators.
Toronto toddler left in hot Texas SUV dies Video
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Israelis, Palestinians to resume talks Video
Israeli and Palestinian officials will meet in Washington, D.C., in early September for their first direct negotiations in 20 months, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says.
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