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CBC Calgary - Photo By Nathen Jantzen

Calgary Features

Photo gallery
Your PhotosWeather snapshots
Send us your images of Alberta's crazy weather
Bands at the Grand
CBC PresentsBands at the Grand
A series of six one-hour programs featuring emerging and established talent from throughout Alberta
Price Check
INFLATIONPrice check
Compare grocery prices in Calgary
Alberta checkup
pollAlberta checkup
Assessing the state of health care
Alberta checkup
chat replayAlberta health care
A health-care conversation with pollster Bruce Cameron, reporter Erin Collins, and political scientist Keith Brownsey
Your Video
Your VideoHigh winds
Construction debris blows off a southwest Calgary building
Surplus School sites
mapSurplus school sites
The debate over the future of unwanted school sites
The beer facts
ConsumerThe beer facts
Does Calgary have the priciest beer in Canada?
Bloody Caesar
FOOD & DRINKBloody Caesar
Calgary concoction hailed as nation's favourite cocktail
Virtual bus ads
InteractiveMessage on a bus
Read your ads on our virtual bus
Alberta Gambling
In depthAlberta gambling
Where the money goes
Ministers on the go
Interactive mapMinisters on the go
Tracking Alberta's cabinet ministers and their travel tabs
Alberta's Oilsands
In depthAlberta's oilsands
Audio, timeline and features exploring why it's called 'dirty oil'
Winter Tires
Your CarTire safety
Winter tires: helping your car get a grip
Calgary arson cases
Interactive MapCalgary arson cases
A series of deliberately set fires hit our city
Sandwich Generation
CBC Radio OneSandwich generation
The stress, burden and joys of caring for both children and aging family members
In depthThe Chinook
Calgary's reprieve from winter. Find out how they happen
In depthCanada votes 2008
Click the interactive map for all the numbers
EnvironmentAlberta's oilsands
Economic engine or environmental hazard?
In DepthAlberta Votes 2008
Albertans re-elect historic 11th straight Tory government
In DepthMayerthorpe RCMP
Anatomy of an ambush
In DepthSchool trip to Juno Beach: a diary
Calgary students visit Canadian war memorials in Europe
In DepthBlueprint Alberta: H2O
A look at Alberta's impending water crisis
In depthAlberta centennial
Learn about the people and events that shaped our dynamic province