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No early edition Monday, August 2

Due to the holiday weekend, there will be no National On Demand stream, podcast, or National Mobile early edition of The National on Monday, August 2.  It will resume on Tuesday, August 3.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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A long journey out of danger

The roads are steep and winding. The address is cryptic (as addresses in Haiti tend to be). And whenever we stop for directions, people say the only way to find our destination is if they come in the car and show us.
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Friday, July 16, no early edition

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no National on Demand or National Mobile produced today, Friday, July 16.  We apologize for the inconvenience.
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July 1 - No National On Demand or National Mobile

Happy Canada Day!  Due to the holiday, we will not be producing our early editions, The National On Demand and The National Mobile.  They will return on Friday, July 2.
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Rex Murphy protests the Black Bloc

No decent, civilized city - and Toronto is both - should be held hostage by the actions of a set of ferociously insolent thugs and vandals.

Which is what happened here yesterday afternoon, and in fits and starts last night and early morning.  A band of black-masked, malicious, and potentially dangerous ne'er-do-wells did their radical best to get a racket going:  torched a couple of police cars, did their petty "let's smash the windows" trick, insulted the police, intimidated spectators, and tried to order the press around.

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On Demand and Mobile unavailable on June 23

We would like to apologize to The National's viewers. Due to unforeseen staffing issues, the National on Demand and National Mobile did not air last night, Tuesday, June 23.  

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Working in shadows

We knew from the start that our spy agency would be camera-shy. The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service is, after all, a secret organization doing classified work, charged with protecting Canada's national security and interests. They are up against a world of spies who would like nothing better than to get glimpses of who works for CSIS and how it operates, in order to potentially infiltrate them or thwart their efforts at fighting terrorism and espionage.
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On Demand and Mobile unavailable on June 16

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the National on Demand and National Mobile will not be available today, Wednesday, June 16.  We expect the early editions to resume as normal tomorrow.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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News Network extra edition

Our broadcasts on CBC Television return to their regular schedule tonight.  However, our extra 10 p.m. ET edition on CBC News Network will continue
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Broadcast time change: Wednesday June 9

The National will be seen on CBC TV on Wednesday, June 9 following the hockey game in Manitoba and east, and at its regular time in Saskatchewan and west.
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